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공간 업사이클링 도시재생 수법을 활용한 지역 정체성 강화에 관한 연구 - 돈의문 박물관 마을 사례를 중심으로 -
A Study on the Reinforcement of Regional Identity Using the Space Up-cycling Urban Regeneration Method - Focusing on the Donuimun Museum Village -

대한건축학회논문집 = Journal of the architectural institute of korea, v.37 no.11, 2021년, pp.87 - 98  

전예진 (중앙대 대학원) ,  송하엽 (중앙대 건축학부) ,  황세원 (중앙대 건축학부)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Recent sustainable urban regeneration encouraging place-making, shifts it paradigm towards recapturing existing valuable resources by applying low budget and technologies to invigorate the local community and encourage social participation. Space up-cycling has emerged as one of these intervention t...


참고문헌 (14)

  1. Baek, S. (2018). A Study on the Characteristics of Regeneration Architecture in the Village of Donuimun Museum, Korean Institute of Interior Design Society, 20(3), 47, 102-105 

  2. Cho, M., & Kim Y. (2020). A Study on the Art Platform Space Planning with Up-Cycle Design Expressive Elements, Korean Institute of Interior Design Society, 51, 138-144 

  3. Choi, M. (2019). A Study on Urban Regeneration and Urban Brand Creation in the Village Donuimun Museum, Korea Brand Design Society, 49 

  4. Herman, K., Sbarcea M., & Panagopoulos, T. (2018). Creating green space sustainability through low-budget and upcycling stratetegies, Sustainability, 10(6), 1857. 

  5. Jung, D. (2020). A Study on the Characteristics of Retro Design through Space Upcycling, Journal of the Korea Institute of Spatial Design, 15(3), 64, 25-40 

  6. Kim, E., Park So., Seo, S., Yoon, J., Lee, M., Lee, Y., Lee, J., & Jang, M. (2019). Unsurprising Urban Regeneration, Architectural urban space research institute, 133-153 

  7. Kim, M., Mun, Y., & Han, S. (2015). A Case Study on the Planning Characteristic and It's Application of Container Architecture in Europe, Journal of the Korean Housing Association, 26(1), 43-51 

  8. Lee, G. (2010). The change of city organization in Gyonam-dong outside of the money question, Academic Presentation of the Korean Institute of Architecture, 54 

  9. Lee, S. (2018). A Study on the Establishment of Basic Plan for the Operation of the Donuimun Museum Village (Study Service for Establishment of Basic Plan for Donuimun Museum Village) 

  10. Min, H., & Oh, J. (2019). Assessment of Urban Regeneration Projects with Historical and Cultural Resources in Down-town Seoul, The Seoul Institute, 2019-PR-11 

  11. Na, D., Pan J., & Lee, J. (2017). A Study of the Use of Seoullo 7017 and Its Effect, The Seoul Institute, 2017-BR-19 

  12. Noh, Y., Shen, Y., Kim, H., & Hwang, Y. (2016). Korean Institute of Interior Design, Vol.41 

  13. Park, W. (2020). Analysis on the Characteristics and Performance of High Line as Industrial Heritage Regeneration, Jourmal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea, Vol.23, 182-196 

  14. Seoul Metropolitan City. (2018). 100 Year Building Donuimun Museum Village Construction Process Record White Paper 

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