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이하선 양성종양의 피막 외 절제술의 수술 결과: 이하선 천엽 절제술과의 비교
Surgical Outcome of Extracapsular Dissection of Benign Parotid Gland Tumor: A Comparative Study to Superficial Parotidectomy 원문보기

대한 두경부 종양 학회지 = Korean journal of head & neck oncology, v.37 no.2, 2021년, pp.51 - 55  

김영준 (고신대학교 의과대학 이비인후과학 교실) ,  김창회 (동국대학교 경주 병원 이비인후과) ,  이형신 (고신대학교 의과대학 이비인후과학 교실) ,  이강대 (고신대학교 의과대학 이비인후과학 교실) ,  김성원 (이샘병원)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Background/Objectives: Extracapsular dissection has the advantage of reducing complications by minimizing tissue loss of the parotid without intentionally exposing the facial nerve in patients with benign parotid tumor. However, there has been controversy over the surgical results. Thus, the surgica...


참고문헌 (13)

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  2. Foresta E, Torroni A, Di Nardo F, De Waure C, Poscia A, Gasparini G, et al. Pleomorphic adenoma and benign parotid tumors: Extracapsular dissection vs superficial parotidectomy - Review of literature and meta-analysis. Oral surgery, Oral medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology. 2014;117:663-676. 

  3. Zhan KY, Khaja SF, Flack AB. Day TA. Benign parotid tumors. Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America. 2016;49:327-342. 

  4. Park SJ, Jeong W-J. Conservative surgical treatment of benign parotid tumors: Extracapsular dissection. Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. 2019;62:317-322. 

  5. Riffat F, Mahrous AK, Buchanan MA, Fish BM, Jani P. Safety of extracapsular dissection in benign superficial parotid lesions. Journal of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery. 2012;11:407-410. 

  6. Smith SL, Komisar A. Limited parotidectomy: The role of extracapsular dissection in parotid gland neoplasms. The Laryngoscope. 2007;117:1163-1167. 

  7. Mantsopoulos K, Koch M, Klintworth N, Zenk J, Iro H. Evolution and changing trends in surgery for benign parotid tumors. The Laryngoscope. 2014;125:122-127. 

  8. Xie S, Wang K, Xu H, Hua R-X, Li T-Z, Shan X-F, et al. PRISMA-extracapsular dissection versus superficial parotidectomy in treatment of benign parotid tumors: evidence from 3194 patients. Medicine. 2015;94:e1237. 

  9. Kato MG, Erkul E, Nguyen SA, Day TA, Hornig JD, Lentsch EJ, et al. Extracapsular dissection vs superficial parotidectomy of benign parotid lesions: surgical outcomes and cost-effectiveness analysis. JAMA Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery. 2017;143:1092-1097. 

  10. Mantsopoulos K, Scherl C, Iro H. Investigation of arguments against properly indicated extracapsular dissection in the parotid gland. Head & neck. 2017;39:498-502. 

  11. Iro H, Zenk J, Koch M, Klintworth N. Follow - up of parotid pleomorphic adenomas treated by extracapsular dissection. Head & neck. 2013;35:788-793. 

  12. Klintworth N, Zenk J, Koch M, Iro H. Postoperative complications after extracapsular dissection of benign parotid lesions with particular reference to facial nerve function. The Laryngoscope. 2010;120:484-490. 

  13. Nnochiri CC, Watkin GT, Hobsley M. Unremarkable parotid tumours that prove to be malignant. British Journal of Surgery. 1990;77:917-918. 

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