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MSR_FSB_FREQ 제어를 이용한 윈도우 운영체제에 실시간 처리 방법
Real-time Processing Method for Windows OS Using MSR_FSB_FREQ Control 원문보기

멀티미디어학회논문지 = Journal of Korea Multimedia Society, v.24 no.1, 2021년, pp.95 - 105  

김종진 (Dept. of Research and Development Tawazun Technology and Innovation) ,  이상길 (Dept. of Computer Science Engineering Chungnam National University) ,  이철훈 (Dept. of Computer Science Engineering Chungnam National University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In the case of laptops and tablet PC's that replace desktop, it uses the Windows operating system to provide various functions depending on operating system dependency, the Windows operating system does not support real-time processing because it uses multi-level feedback queue scheduling that exten...


표/그림 (22)

참고문헌 (19)

  1. H.C. Kim, "Overhead Compensation Technique to Enhance the Accuracy of a Software Timer for Light-weight Embedded Devices," Journal of the Korea Society Industrial Information System, Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 9-19, 2019. 

  2. K.T. Ha. I.S. Lee, "Development of System Integration Test Equipment Using RTNgine for Avionics Systems," The Journal of Korean Institute of Information Technology, Vol. 17, No. 6, pp.35-44, 2019. 

  3. A.S. Yildirim, E. Berker, and M.E. Kayakesen, "System Level Test Automation in UAV Development," Procceding of International Automatic Testing Conference(2018 IEEE AUTOTEST), pp. 278-283, 2018. 

  4. J.D. Lee, J.J. Kim, "Time-Efficient Voltage Sch eduling Algorithms for Embedded Real-Time Systems with Task Synchronization", Journa l of Korea Multimedia Society, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 30-37, 2010. 

  5. T.G. Jeon, C.S. Kim, "Design of Scheduler Cons idering Real-Time Characteristic and Fault-T olerant in Embedded System", Journal of Kor ea Multimedia Society, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 76-84, 2011. 

  6. T.G. Jeon, C.S. Kim, "A Real-Time Embedded Task Scheduler considering Fault-Tolerant", Journal of Korea Multimedia Society, Vol. 14, No. 7, pp. 940-948, 2011. 

  7. M.G. Ju, J.W. Lee, J.J. Kim, H.M. Jo, Y.S. Park and C.H. Lee, "A Method for Real-time Proces sing Function Support on the x86-based Wind ows," The Journal of Korean Institute of Next Generation Computing, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 47-58, 2011. 

  8. J.H. Ko, B.W. Choi, "Performance Evaluation of Real-time Mechanisms for Real-time Embedded Linux and Commercial Real-time Operating System," Proceedings of KI IEE Annual Conference, pp. 310-311, 2012. 

  9. http://www.intervalzero.com (accessed Dec. 10, 2020). 

  10. http://www.tenasys.com (accessed Dec. 10, 2020). 

  11. Intel, Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manual Vol 1, Intel, 2012. 

  12. Intel, Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manual Vol 2, Intel, 2012. 

  13. Intel, Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manual Vol 3, Intel, 2012. 

  14. Intel, Intel 64 Architectures x2AP IC Specifiation, Intel, 2008. 

  15. H.J. Kim, Y.K. Heo, B.G. Kwon, "The Design and Performance Verification of Real-Time Inspection Equipment Software based on Windows Operating System", Journal of The Korea Contents Association, Vol. 17, No. 10, pp 1-8, Oct. 2017. 

  16. D.A. Godse and A.P. Godse, Microprocessors, Technical Publications Pune, 2007. 

  17. O. Bailey, Embedded systems : desktop integration, Wordware Publishing, 2005. 

  18. Intel, MultiProcessor Specification Version 1.4, Intel, 1997. 

  19. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Front-side_bus (accessed Dec. 10, 2020). 

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