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반달가슴곰 서식환경 개선을 위한 지리산 국립공원 파편화 분석
The Analysis of fragmentation on the Jirisan National Park for the Improvement of Asiatic Black Bear's habitat environment 원문보기

環境復元綠化 = Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology, v.24 no.1, 2021년, pp.1 - 14  

배제선 (동국대 대학원 바이오환경과학과) ,  오충현 (동국대 바이오환경과학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The Ministry of Environment of Korea has been releasing Asiatic black bears since 2004 at Jirisan National Park. It exceeded the target number of Asiatic black bears in 2018. As of July 2020, in addition to 67 traceable bears, many Asiatic black bears are dispersed outside Jirisan National Park. Jir...


표/그림 (12)

참고문헌 (37)

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  12. Kang HS and Paek KJ. 2005. Evaluating Home Ranges of Endangered Asiatic Black Bears for In Situ Conservation. Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology. 28(6):395-404. (in Korean with English summary) 

  13. Kim JJ, Jung DH, Kim TW, Byun YS, Lee SH, Oh HS. 2019. Study of Asiatic Black Bear(Ursus thibetanus ussuricus) Hibernation Day and Temperature Distribution. Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology. 33(5): 497-505.(in Korean with English summary) 

  14. Kim MA, Choi JY and Lee SH. 2013. Feasibility of Forest Land Conversion to Other Use by Considering Forest Fragmentation. Journal of the Korea Society of Environmental Restoration Technology. 16(4):53-63. (in Korean with English summary) 

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  29. Yu JS, Park CH and Woo DG. 2012. The Characteristics of the Sites and Prospects of the Bear Shelves of Asiatic Black Bear(Ursus Thibetanus) on Jirisan National Park. Journal of the Korea Society of Environmental Restoration Technology. 15(4):41-49. (in Korean with English summary) 

  30. http://www.knps.or.kr 국립공원공단 

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  33. http://map.ngii.go.kr 국토정보플랫폼 

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  37. http://www.nature.go.kr 국가생물종 지식정보 시스템 

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