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시설 성능 측면에서 공공도서관 평가 - 서울과 지방도시 소재 공공도서관의 비교 -
Analysis on Facility Performance Evaluation of Public Libraries - Comparison with Libraries in Seoul District and Local Areas -

대한건축학회논문집 = Journal of the architectural institute of korea, v.37 no.3, 2021년, pp.133 - 144  

이소영 (중앙대 실내환경디자인전공) ,  오명원 (중앙대 실내환경디자인전공) ,  유성은 (군산대 공간디자인융합기술학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In recent decades, the number of public libraries has increased gradually in Korea. The main function of libraries is not only to provide a variety of collected sources of information but also to fulfill cultural and leisure demands from communities where the libraries located. For the public librar...


참고문헌 (17)

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  7. Kim, H., Lee, J., & Shin, J. (2017). Users Satisfaction Influenced by Spatial Characteristics of the Public Libraries in Ulsan - An assessment of Public Character of the Libraries Using Principal Component Analysis and ANOVA, Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning & Design, 33(5), 41-50. 

  8. Lavy, S., Garcia, J., & Dixit, M. (2010). Establishment of KPIs for facility performance measurement: review of literature, Facilities, 28(9/10), 440-464. 

  9. Lee, M., & Moon, S. (2012). Analysis of factors influencing the performance management of public libraries, Journal of the Korean society for information management, 29(1), 303-329. 

  10. Lee, S. (2007). A Case Study of Nursing Homes for the Development of Facility Performance Dimensions for Elderly Care Facilities, Journal of ARAHE, 14, 78-89. 

  11. Lee, S., & Han, H. (2011). A comparative study on the estimation technical efficiency for public libraries in Korea : stochastic production frontier analysis and data envelopment analysis, The Journal of Cultural Policy, 25(2), 193-215. 

  12. Lee, S., & Shin, H. (2009). Exploratory approach to measuring facility performance in public service facilities, Proceeding of Spring/Autumn Annual Conference of KHA, 284-287. 

  13. Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. (2019). A Manual on Construction and Management for Public Libraries. Sejong: Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. 

  14. Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. (2020). 2019 National Library Operation Evaluation Results Report. Sejong: Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. 

  15. Park, M., & Lee, H. (2018). Evaluation of the public efficiency for local government: focused on public library in A city, The Korean Journal of Local Government Studies, 21(4), 293-316. 

  16. Riratanaphong, C., van der Voordt, DJM., & Sarasoja, AL. (2012). Performance measurement in the context of CREM and FM. In PA. Jensen, DJM. van der Voordt, & C. Coenen (Eds.), The added value of facilities management: Concepts, findings and perspectives (pp. 123-145). Lyngby: Polyteknisk Forlag. 

  17. Van Ree, H. (2002). The added value of office accommodation to organisational performance, Work study, 51(7), 357-363. 

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