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가압 펌프장에서 설계인자들이 수격에 의한 압력변동에 미치는 영향
Effect of Design Factors in a Pump Station on Pressure Variations by Water Hammering 원문보기

한국지열·수열에너지학회논문집 = Journal of the Korean Society for Geothermal and Hydrothermal Energy, v.17 no.4, 2021년, pp.15 - 27  

박종훈 (서울과학기술대 융합과학대학원) ,  성재용 (서울과학기술대학교 기계자동차공학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In this study, the effect of design factors in a pump station on the pressure variations which are the main cause of water hammering has been investigated by numerical simulations. As design factors, the flow rate, Young's modulus, diameter, thickness, roughness coefficient of pipeline are considere...


표/그림 (11)

참고문헌 (17)

  1. Kim, Y. H., 2021, Piping Engineering, Books Hill. 

  2. Watters, G. Z., 1984, Analysis and Control of Unsteady Flow in Pipelines, 2nd Ed., Butterworth. 

  3. Watters, G. Z., 1979, Modern Analysis and Control of Unsteady Flow in Pipelines, Ann Arbor Science Publisher. 

  4. Streeter, V. L., and Wylie, E. B., 1967, Hydraulic transients caused by reciprocating pumps, J. Eng. Power, Vol. 89, No. 4, pp. 615-620. 

  5. Wylie, E. B., Streeter, V. L., and Suo, L., 1993, Fluid Transients in System, Prentice Hall. 

  6. Lingrieddy S. and Wood, D. J., 2021, Surge Analysis and Wave Plan Method, KYPipe LLC. 

  7. Lee, J. H., Chung, K. S., Kim, Y. I., and Sa, K. Y., 2010, A study on the effect of water hammering on pipe supports, Proceedings of the SAREK Conference, pp. 239-244. 

  8. Kim, S. Y., Joo, S. S., Lee, S. H., and Yoon, K. S., 2016, Assessment of hammer of penstock by emergency shutdown, Proceedings of the KSCE Conference, pp. 200-201. 

  9. Kim, S. G., and Lee, K. B., 2007, Water hammer in the pump pipelines system with an airchamber, J. Energy Engineering, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 187-193. 

  10. Yang, C. S., 2015, A Study About Facility Damage Protection System Against Water Hammer, Ph. D. Thesis, Incheon University. 

  11. Park, J. H., 2010, A Study of Waterhammer Analysis on Pump System, Master's Thesis, Hanyang University. 

  12. Korea Water Resources Corporation, 2005, Buan Dam System Water Hammer Analysis and Empirical Experiment, Report for Research Service. 

  13. Park, H. Y., Park, J. H., and No, S. M., 2010, Pipe Network Analysis Design using Pipe 2010, Hongneung Science Publishing Company. 

  14. Park, H. Y., and Lee, H. D., 2021, Pipe Network Irregular Flow Analysis Theory and Practice, Gong-Gam Books. 

  15. Lee, M. H., 1998, An Analysis of Water Hammer in Pipeline Systems with Pump, Journal of the Korean Society Marine Engineering, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 92-99. 

  16. Ra, B. P., and Park, J. H., 2008, Application & Examination of the plan for optimum stability through Water-hammer in water pipe line and booster pump station, Proceedings of the KFMA Conference, pp. 197-203. 

  17. Yang, C. S., and Lee, S. K., 2011, Water-hammer in the Pump Pipeline System with and without an Air-Chamber, Journal of the KOSOS, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 1-7. 

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