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The Author Response: Risk of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity in Laboratory Workers 원문보기

Safety and health at work : SH@W, v.12 no.2, 2021년, pp.286 - 287  

Perez Crespo, Juan (Health & Safety Office, Miguel Hernandez University) ,  Canon, Rafael Lobato (Department of Pathology and Surgery, Miguel Hernandez University) ,  Puchol, Angel Solanes (Department of Health Psychology, Miguel Hernandez University)

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (9)

  1. 1 Pigatto P.D. Ronchi A. Guzzi G. Chemical exposure, risk of multiple chemical sensitivity, and occupational safety Safety Health Work 11 3 2020 383 384 10.1016/j.shaw.2020.05.0069 

  2. 2 Perez-Crespo J. Lobato-Cañón R. Solanes-Puchol A. Multiple chemical sensitivity in chemical laboratory workers Safety Health Work 9 2018 473 478 

  3. 3 Vicent R. Bonthoux F. Mallet G. Iparraguire J. Rio S. Méthodologie de évaluation simplifiée du risc chimique: un outil d'aide à la decision. ND 2233- 200- 05. Hygène et Sécurité au Travail. Cahiers du notes documentaires, 3° trimestre 2005 39 62 Retrieved from: http://www.inrs.fr/media.html?refINRS=ND%202233 (May 14th 2015) 

  4. 4 Sousa M.E. Tejedor J. NTP 937: Agentes químicos: evaluación cualitativa y simplificada del riesgo por inhalación (III) 2012 INSHT Retrieved from: https://www.insst.es/documents/94886/326879/937w.pdf/9f3ff227-acfa-46b2-8613-355f5d057ad7 

  5. 5 Miller C.S. Prihoda T.J. The Environmental Exposure and Sensitivity Inventory (EESI): a standardized approach for measuring chemical intolerances for research and clinical applications Toxicol Ind Health 15 1999 370 385 10.1177/074823379901500311 10416289 

  6. 6 Fernández-Solà J. Nogué S. Sensibilidad química y ambiental múltiple JANO 1662 2007 27 30 

  7. 7 Nogué-Xarau S. Alarcon-Romay M. Martinez-Martinez J.M. Delclós-Clanchet J. Rovira-Prat E. Fernández-Sola J. Multiple chemical sensitivity: epidemiological, clinical and prognostic differences between occupational and non-occupational cases Medicina Clínica 135 2 2010 52 58 20303541 

  8. 8 Andersson M.J. Andersson L. Mats B. Millqvist E. Nordin S. The idiopathic environmental intolerance symptom inventory: development, evaluation, and application J Occup Environ Med 51 7 2009 838 847 19542897 

  9. 9 Documento de consenso Sensibilidad química múltiple 2011 Gobierno de España. Ministerio de Sanidad, Política Social e Igualdad Madrid 

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