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설문을 통한 COVID-19 전후 기숙사 거주자의 인식 및 행태 연구 - 경상국립대학교 기숙사를 중심으로 -
A Study on the Perception and Behavior of Dormitory Residents Before and after COVID-19 through Questionnaire - Focused on the Dormitory of Gyeongsang National University -

대한건축학회논문집 = Journal of the architectural institute of korea, v.37 no.7, 2021년, pp.85 - 95  

안종찬 (경상국립대학교 건축학과 일반대학원) ,  강석진 (경상국립대학교 건축학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The purpose of this study is to analyze the perceptions and behavioral characteristics of university dormitory before and after COVID-19 and explore future implications. The results of this study are as follows: First, the satisfaction level about private space(living space) increases as the dormito...


참고문헌 (22)

  1. Ahn, J., Kang, J., & Kang, S. (2019). A Study on the Application of CPTED in University Dormitory, Journal of Community Safety and Security by Environmental Design, 10(3), 36-66. 

  2. An, E. (2018). Study on the Fear of Crime and the Actual Condition Investigation of Residential Environment of a Single Person's Households in the University Town - Focused on a University Town in a Local Small-Sized City, Journal of the Korean Housing Association, 29(4), 63-71. 

  3. Baek, S. (2017). Effects of Environmental Factors on the Adaptation to University Dormitory Life - The Case of Seoul National University Dormitories, Thesis, Seoul National University, 2-3. 

  4. Bang, Y. (2015). A study on fears of crime by female about environmental characteristics of outdoor space at night within university campus, Korea University, 61-65. 

  5. Choi, J. (2012). A Study on university dormitory plan considering historical changes in spatial configuration, Hongik University 21-24. 

  6. Ha, S. (2004). A study on the function space program of university dormitory according to plan types - with emphasis on national unviersity dormitory, Gyeongsang National University, 1-3. 

  7. Hong, M., Ryu, S., & Lee, K. (2016). Analysis of the Post Occupancy Evaluation of the Living Conditions in the University Dormitory for Women, Journal of the Korean Institute of Educational Facilities, 23(4), 11-20. 

  8. Jeong, H. (2005). A Study on the facility condition and user's satisfactions of the university dormitories, Chonnam National University, 7-20. 

  9. Kim, C. (2011). The Study on the Planning of the University Dormitory Based on Residential Satisfaction, Gyeongsang National University, 109-112. 

  10. Kim, J., & Kim, M. (2013). The Planning of Common and Living Space in the Dormitory Buildings on Campus - Focused on the Dormitory Buildings in Chung chung Province, Journal of the Korean Institute of Interior Design, 22(1), 274-282. 

  11. Lee, J. (2017). Research of the Hospital Space Improvement after the MERS outbreak - Focusing at General Hospital over 300 beds, Chung Ang University, 85-86. 

  12. Lee, Y. (2013). The Study on the Female Collegian's the Fear of Crime in University Campus, Journal of the Korean Institute of Educational Facilities, 20(1), 15-25. 

  13. Li, J. (2019). A Study on the Usage behavior of Private Domain in the Public Space - Focus on the Dormitory of Seoul National University, Seoul National University, 44-48. 

  14. Lim, L., Kim, D., & Kim, Y. (2020). The Role and Direction of Healthcare Facility Design in Infection Control and Prevention, Journal of Architectural Institute of Korea, 36(3), 11-20. 

  15. Moon, C. (2020). A Study on the Improvement of Health and Hygiene Management in Post COVID-19 Construction Site, Chung Ang University, 4-9. 

  16. Ryu, Ho., Park, E., & Ha, M. (2010). A Study on Environmental Designs for a Safe Campus from Crimes - Based on the Collegian's Perceptions of on-campus Crimes and Fear of Crimes, Journal of Architectural Institute of Korea, 26(8), 97-106. 

  17. Song, B., & Roh, J. (2004). A Study on Satisfaction and Behavior in a Residence Hall, Journal of Architectural Institute of Korea, 20(1), 59-67. 

  18. Song, S. (2020). A Study on Satisfaction of BTL Students Residence of University, Jeonju University, 34-36. 

  19. Woo, H. (2012). A Study on Residential Satisfaction in University Dormitory - Kyung Hee University Seoul Campus, Thesis, Kyung Hee University, 1-3. 

  20. Woo, Y. (2015). A study on the characteristics of Architectural Planning and Dwelling Evaluation of the Dormitory in the National University, Pukyong National University, 143-145. 

  21. Yang, S. (2013). A Study on Proper Room Ratio Calculation and Space Program of University Dormitory - Focused on University Dormitory in Daegu Kyungbuk District, Kyungpook National University, 1. 

  22. Yun, S., Lee, S., & Kang, S. (2012). A Study on the Applicable Factors for the Crime-free Campus Focused on the CPTED, Journal of Architectural Institute of Korea, 28(3), 119-127. 

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