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충남 친환경학교급식의 농식품 속성 가치 분석: 감자, 콩나물, 토마토를 중심으로
Analysis on the Value of Attributes of Agricultural Products for Chungnam School Food Service: Focused on Potato, Bean Sprouts and Tomato 원문보기

韓國有機農業學會誌 = Korean journal of organic agriculture, v.29 no.1, 2021년, pp.25 - 39  

양성범 (단국대학교 환경자원경제학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The objective of this study is to analyze the value of attributes of agricultural products in school food service using hedonic price model and choice experiment. In the case of potatoes, bean sprouts, and tomatoes, environment-friendly agricultural products rather than conventional ones, and domest...


참고문헌 (19)

  1. An, Y. U., M. H. Choi, and M. H. Kim. 2018. Perception of Use of Environment-friendly Agricultural Products during School Food Service of Mothers of Elementary School Students in Gyeonggi. The Korean Society of community Nutrition. 23(3): 234-242. 

  2. Choe, E. H., J. M. Lee, and T. K. Kwak. 1995. A Study on the Efficient Improvement of Meal Cost Management in Elementary School Foodservice. Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association. 1(1): 54-65. 

  3. Han, B., H. Kim, and S. B. Yang. 2018. A Study on Satisfaction of School Food Service Using Environment-friendly Agricultural Products. Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture. 26(4): 559-570. 

  4. Kim, H. and D. C. Jeon. 2013. Analyses of the Awareness of Students' Parents on School Meals and Their Intention to Increase Consumption of Environmental-Friendly Agri-product. The Korean journal of Agricultural Economics. 21(1): 19-31. 

  5. Kim, H. and S. B. Yang. 2017. The Effects on Satisfaction for Free Food Service of Elementary and Middle School Students in Chungnam Province. The Korean Journal of Food and Nutrition. 30(3): 427-432. 

  6. Kuhfeld, W. F. 2005. Marketing Research Methods in SAS, SAS Institute. 

  7. Lee, H. J., N. K. Hong, and T. K. Kim. 2012. Measuring Willingness to Pay for GM Rice by Characteristics. Korean Journal of Agricultural Management and Policy. 39(2): 147-169. 

  8. Lee, H. J., M. M. Ko, and T. K. Kim. 2012. Measuring Willingness to Pay for Safety Inspection System of Chinese Import Food. Korean Journal of Food Marketing Economics. 29(2): 1-18. 

  9. Lee, S. W. and S. B. Yang. 2017. Effects on a Nutrition Teacher's Satisfaction for the school Food Service Center in the Chungnam Province. The Korean Journal of Food and Nutrition. 30(6): 1245-1251. 

  10. Lim, S. S. and J. S. Yang. 2013. A Study on the Satisfaction of School meals about Elementary, Middle and High School's Students in Jeonbuk Area: An Ordered Probit Analysis. The Koran Journal of Agricultural Economics. 21(4): 539-554. 

  11. McFadden, D. 1974. Conditional Logit Analysis of Qualitative Choice Behavior, in P. Zarembka, ed., Frontiers in Econometrics, New York: Academic Press. pp. 105-142. 

  12. Na, J. A., J. H. Lee, and M. H. Kim. 2014. Study on the Satisfaction for School Food Service and Dietary Habits of Middle School Students in Sejong Special Self-Governing City. The Korean Journal of Food and Nutrition. 27(3): 369-382. 

  13. Waugh, F. V. 1928. Quality Factors Influencing Vegetable Prices. Journal of Farm Economics. 10(2): 185-196. 

  14. Yang, S. B. 2016. A Study on Satisfaction for Food Service with School Food Service Center of Elementary and Middle School Parents in Chungnam. The Korean Journal of Food and Nutrition. 29(3): 404-410. 

  15. Yang, S. B. 2017. A Study on Satisfaction for Free Food Service of Elementary and Middle School Parents in Chungnam Province. The Korean Journal of Food and Nutrition. 30(2): 356-362. 

  16. Yang, S. B. 2018. Willingness-to-Pay on Increase of Usage for Environmental-friendly Agricultural Product in School Food Service. Free Food Service of Elementary and Middle School Parents in Chungnam Province. Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture. 26(4): 609-618. 

  17. Yang, S. B. and S. R. Yang. 2009. Economic Values of Voluntary Food Labelling. Korean Journal of Distribution Research. 14(4): 79-93. 

  18. Yang, S. B. and S. R. Yang. 2011. The Willingness-to-Pay Price for Makgeoli made of Domestic Rice. Korean Journal of Food Marketing Economics. 28(3): 57-77. 

  19. Yang, S. R., S. T. Lim, and C. S. Lee. 2009. Analsys on the Marketing Characteristics for Rice of Large-scale Market. Journal of Rural Development. 32(5): 17-43. 

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