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Effect of Swiss Ball Exercise on the Muscular Activity of Hamstring during Different Feet Position 원문보기

한국운동역학회지 = Korean journal of sport biomechanics, v.31 no.3, 2021년, pp.214 - 219  

Jang, Yujin (Graduate School of Sport and Leisure Studies, Korea National Sport University) ,  Yoon, Sukhoon (Department of Community Sport, Korea National Sport University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the differences in muscle activity of hamstring muscle depending on the position of the feet during Swiss ball hamstring curl exercise. Method: Total of 15 male participants with no history of hamstring muscle injuries and musculoskeletal disorders in...


표/그림 (5)

참고문헌 (25)

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