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랜덤 환경조건 기반의 태양광 모듈 인공신경망 모델링
Artificial Neural Network Modeling for Photovoltaic Module Under Arbitrary Environmental Conditions 원문보기

반도체디스플레이기술학회지 = Journal of the semiconductor & display technology, v.21 no.4, 2022년, pp.110 - 115  

백지혜 (상명대학교 시스템반도체공학과) ,  이종환 (상명대학교 시스템반도체공학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Accurate current-voltage modeling of solar cell systems plays an important role in power prediction. Solar cells have nonlinear characteristics that are sensitive to environmental conditions such as temperature and irradiance. In this paper, the output characteristics of photovoltaic module are accu...


참고문헌 (17)

  1. Haemaro Kim, Chang-Wook Han, Don-Kyu Lee, "Development of Photovoltaic Output Power Prediction System using OR-AND Structured Fuzzy Neural Networks," Journal of Institute of Korean Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Vol.23, pp.334-334, 2019. 

  2. Minseok Kim, Seunghwan Jung, Jonggeun Kim, Hansoo Lee, Baekcheon Kim and Sungshin Kim, "A Study on Artificial Neural Network-based Solar Radiation Forecasting for Efficient Solar Photovoltaic System", Journal of Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems, Vol. 29, pp. 501-506, 2019. 

  3. Yun-Seok Heo, Jae-Gyu Kim, Ji-Man Kim, Bo-Min Kwon, Han-Jung Song, "Prediction and Analysis of Photovoltaic Modules's Output using MATLAB", Journal of Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society, Vol. 11, pp. 2963-2967, 2010. 

  4. Jeong J.Y., Choi S.S., Choi H.Y., Ryu S.W., Lee I.C., Rho D.S., "A study on the Optimal Configuration Algorithm for Modeling and Improving the Performance of PV module," Journal of the Korea Academia Industrial cooperation Society, Vol. 17, pp. 723-730, 2016. 

  5. Seungmin Lee, Woo Jin Lee, "Development of a System for Predicting Photovoltaic Power Generation and Detecting Defects Using Machine Learning", KIPS Trans. on Computer and Communication Systems, Vol.5 no.10, pp.353-360, 2016. 

  6. Y. H. Lee and J. Lee, "Improved Model for Maximum Poer Point Tracking (MPPT) of Solar System," Journal of the Semiconductor & Display Technology, Vol.21, No.1, pp.114-118, March 2022. 

  7. S. Park and J. Lee, "Effects of Bypass Diode Array Configuration on Solar System," Journal of the Semiconductor & Display Technology, Vol.21, No.1, pp.127-131, March 2022. 

  8. J.A. Gow, C.D. Manning, "Development of a photovoltaic array model for use in power-electronics simulation studies", IEE Proceedings-Electric Power Applications, Vol.146, pp.193-200, 1999. 

  9. Park Seonhui, "Output Power Characteristics of SolarCell by Change for Environmental Effects", Master's Thesis Chosun University, pp.1-38, 2008. 

  10. Kashif Ishaque, Zainal Salam, Hamed Taheri, "Simple, fast and accurate two-diode model for photovoltaic modules, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells", Vol 95, Issue 2, pp.586-594, 2011. 

  11. J. H. Kim, S. C. Roh, J. H. Choi, J. D. Jung, and H. I. Seo, "A Study on Silicon Nitride Films by High Frequency PECVD for Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells," Journal of the Semiconductor & Display Technology, Vol.11, No.2, pp.7-11, June 2012. 

  12. Sung-Won Choi, Ji-Hyung Ryu and Chang-Goo Lee, "Analytical Methods for the Extraction of PV panel Single-Diode model parameters from I-V Characteristic", Journal of Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society Vol.12 no.2, pp.847-851, 2011. 

  13. Donghun Lee, Kwanho Kim, "Deep Learning Based Prediction Method of Long-term Photovoltaic Power Generation Using Meteorological and Seasonal Information", The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies, Vol.24, No.1, pp.1-16, 2019. 

  14. D. I. Hong, and J. Lee, "I-V Modeling Based on Artificial Neural Network in Anti-Reflective Coated Solar Cells," Journal of the Semiconductor & Display Technology, Vol.21, No.3, pp.130-134, September 2022. 

  15. J. Park, and J. Lee, "Improved Modeling of I-V Characteristic Based on Artificial Neural Network in Photovoltaic Systems," Journal of the Semiconductor & Display Technology, Vol.21, No.3, pp.135-139, September 2022. 

  16. Chaeeun Lee, Yohan Jang, Seunghoon Choung, Sungwoo Bae, "Comparisons on Artificial Intelligence-based Maximum Power Point Tracking Methods of Photovoltaic Generation Systems", The Journal of Korean Institute of Power Electronics, Vol.2021, No.7, pp.30-331, 2021. 

  17. Mohammed Sulthan, Sheik & Devaraj, D. & Ahamed, Imthias, "Simulation and Analysis of Photovoltaic Modules under Partially Shaded Conditions", Indian Journal of Science and Technology. 9, 2016. 

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