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수용성 Cyclcophosphazene 유도체를 이용한 견섬유의 이중경화형 방염가공
Dual-curable Flame-Retardant Finish of Silk Fabrics Using a Water-soluble Cyclophosphazene Derivative 원문보기

韓國染色加工學會誌 = Textile coloration and finishing, v.34 no.4, 2022년, pp.217 - 223  

김정환 (금오공과대학교 소재디자인공학과) ,  백지윤 (금오공과대학교 소재디자인공학과) ,  장진호 (금오공과대학교 소재디자인공학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Flame-retardant finished silk fabrics could release carcinogenic formaldehyde resulting from the conventional finishing agents. New water-soluble cyclophosphazene derivative can be used as a formaldehyde-free flame retardant for the silk protein. Dichloro tetrakis{N-[3-dimethylamino)propyl]methacryl...


표/그림 (9)

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AI-Helper 아이콘 AI-Helper

문제 정의

  • 본 연구에서는 친환경 인계 방염제인 다관능성 사이클로포스 파젠 유도체를 이용하여 견섬유에 대한 내구성 방염가공을 실시하였다. 고착률과 한계산소지수를 측정하여 가공 직물의 방염효율도를 평가하였다.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (22)

  1. Q. Zhang, G. Chen, and T. Xing, Silk Flame Retardant Finish by Ternary Silica Sol Containing Boron and Nitrogen, Applied Surface Science, 421, 52(2017). 

  2. K. L. Mittal and T. Bahners, "Textile Finishing: Recent Developments and Future Trends", Scrivener Publishing, USA, pp.69-77, 2017. 

  3. C. Chaiwong, S. Tunma, W. Sangprasert, P. Nimmanpipug, and D. Boonyawan, Graft Polymerization of Flame-Retardant Compound onto Silk Via Plasma Jet, Applied Surface Science, 204, 2991(2010). 

  4. A. Morgan, "Non-Halogenated Flame Retardant Handbook", Scrivener Publishing, USA, pp.50-55, 2014. 

  5. J. Alongi and G. Malucelli, Cotton Flame Retardancy: State of the Art and Future Perspectives, RSC Adv., 5, 24239 (2015). 

  6. K. L. Mittal and T. Bahners, "Textile Finishing: Recent Developments and Future Trends", Scrivener Publishing, USA, pp.78-127, 2017. 

  7. K. A. Salmeia, S. Gaan, and G. Malucelli, Recent Advances for Flame Retardancy of Textiles Based on Phosphorus Chemistry, Polymers, 8, 319(2016). 

  8. J. Guan and G. Chen, Flame Retardancy Finish with an Organophosphorus Retardant on Silk Fabrics, Fire Mater., 30, 415(2006). 

  9. J. Guan, C. Q. Yang, and G. Chen, Formaldehyde-free Flame Retardant Finishing of Silk Using a Hydroxyl-functio nal Organophosphorus Oligomer, Polym. Degrad. Stabil., 94, 450(2009). 

  10. T. Xing, W. Hu, S. Li, and G. Chen, Preparation Structure and Properties of Multi-functional Silk via ATRP Method, Applied Surface Science, 258, 3208(2012). 

  11. T. Yang, J. Guan, R. Tang, and G. Chen, Condensed Tannin from Dioscorea cirrhosa Tuber as an Eco-friendly and Durable Flame Retardant for Silk Textile, Industrial Crops and Products, 115, 16(2018). 

  12. L. Guo, Z. Yang, R. Tang, and H. Yuan, Grape Seed Proanthocyanidins: Novel Coloring, Flame-Retardant, and Antibacterial Agents for Silk, ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., 8, 5966(2020). 

  13. X. Cheng, Y. Huang, C. Zhang, W. Gu, Y. Ma, F. Shi, and J. Guan, Caramel Product from Glucose as a Sustainable and Effective Flame Retardant for Silk Fabric, Journal of Cleaner Production, 266, 121977(2020). 

  14. X. Zhang, X. Zhou, X. Cheng, and R. Tang, Phytic Acid as an Eco-friendly Flame Retardant for Silk/Wool Blend: A Comparative Study with Fluorotitanate and Fluorozirconate, Journal of Cleaner Production, 198, 1044(2018). 

  15. Y. Huang, W. Jin, J. Guan, X. Cheng, and G. Chen, Functionalization of Silk Fabric Using Phytate Urea Salt for Durable Flame Retardant Performance, Materials Today Communications, 28, 102673(2021). 

  16. Z. Lv, Y. Hu, J. Guan, R. Tang, and G. Chen, Preparation of a Flame Retardant, Antibacterial, and Colored Silk Fabric with Chitosan and Vitamin B2 Sodium Phosphate by Electrostatic Layer by Layer Assembly, Mater. Lett., 241, 136(2019). 

  17. X. Cheng, W. Jin, C. Zhang, Y. Wu, and J. Guan, A Facile and Durable Flame Retardant Approach for Silk Fabric through Kabachnik-Fields Reaction, Thermochimica Acta, 700, 178929(2021). 

  18. X. Cheng, Y. Wu, Y. Huang, J. Jiang, J. Xu, and J. Guan, Synthesis of a Reactive Boron-Based Flame Retardant to Enhance the Flame Retardancy of Silk, Reactive and Functional Polymers, 156, 104731(2020). 

  19. X. Cheng, Q. Zhu, W. Jin, C. Zhang, and J. Guan, Durable Functional Modification of Silk Fabric with Reactive P/N/S-containing Flame Retardant, Thermochimica Acta, 707, 179115(2022). 

  20. J. H. Kim and J. Jang, Formaldehyde-Free Durable Flame-Retardant Finish of Cotton Using Hexachlorocyclophos phazene and Triethanolamine, Textile Coloration and Finishing, 32, 150(2020). 

  21. J. H. Kim and J. Jang, Durable Flame-Retardant Finish of Cotton Fabrics Using a Water-soluble Cyclophosphazene Derivative, Textile Coloration and Finishing, 33, 64(2021). 

  22. J. Y. Baek and J. Jang, Eco-friendly Durable Flame-Retardant Finish of Wool Fabrics Using a UV-curable Cyclophospha zene Derivative, Textile Coloration and Finishing, 33, 230(2021). 

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