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문제중심학습 화상토론에서 사회적 실재감과 학습만족도의 연관성
The Relationship Between Social Presence and Learning Satisfaction in Videoconferencing Problem-Based Learning 원문보기

의학교육논단 = Korean medical education review, v.24 no.1, 2022년, pp.56 - 62  

한의령 (전남대학교 의과대학 의학교육학교실) ,  정은경 (전남대학교 의과대학 의학교육학교실)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Despite current regulations requiring social distancing due to coronavirus disease 2019, problem-based learning (PBL) requires student interaction to achieve common goals and enhance critical thinking and deep learning abilities. Social presence in the online education environment reduces both perce...


표/그림 (3)

참고문헌 (24)

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  14. Lee D, Lee S. Media experience in live streaming video service: comparative study on parasocial interaction and social presence among live sports streaming video service users. Korean J Journal Commun Stud. 2014;58(1):148-77. 

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  16. Stephens KK, Mottet TP. Interactivity in a web conference training context: effects on trainers and trainees. Commun Educ. 2008;57(1): 88-104. 

  17. Picciano AG. Beyond student perceptions: issues of interaction, presence, and performance in an online course. J Asynchron Learn Netw. 2002 Jul;6(1):21-40. 

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  19. Swan K, Shea P, Fredericksen E, Pickett A, Pelz W, Maher G. Building knowledge building communities: consistency, contact and communication in the virtual classroom. J Educ Comput Res. 2000;23(4): 359-83. 

  20. Lee DJ. Inquiry into learners' sense of community in online learning environments. J Educ Technol. 2004;20(3):53-73. 

  21. Gilkison A. Techniques used by "expert" and "non-expert" tutors to facilitate problem-based learning tutorials in an undergraduate medical curriculum. Med Educ. 2003;37(1):6-14. 

  22. Lim BR. Teacher's roles in a discussion-based e-learning environment. J Educ Dev. 2005;21(1):79-100. 

  23. Cobb SC. Social presence and online learning: a current view from a research perspective. J Interact Online Learn. 2009;8(3):241-54. 

  24. Homer BD, Plass JL, Blake L. The effects of video on cognitive load and social presence in multimedia-learning. Comput Human Behav. 2008;24(3):786-97. 

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