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태양광시스템에서 바이패스 다이오드 배열의 영향도 분석
Effects of Bypass Diode Array Configurations on Solar System 원문보기

반도체디스플레이기술학회지 = Journal of the semiconductor & display technology, v.21 no.1, 2022년, pp.127 - 131  

박소영 (상명대학교 시스템반도체공학과) ,  이종환 (상명대학교 시스템반도체공학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The effect of bypass diodes on the output energy of solar cells was investigated under the condition of partial shading. The maximum power point was estimated using the perturbation & observation algorithm, taking into account the correlation effect between the arrangement and number of bypass diode...


참고문헌 (14)

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  9. Shim J.H., Yang S.D., Jung S.H., Choi J.Y., Choy I., An J.U., Lee D.H., "Analysis of various MPPT algorithms for PCS," Journal of the Korean Solar Energy Society, Vol.31, pp.16-21, 2011 

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  13. Li H., Yang D., Su W., Lu J., Yu X., "An Overall Distribution Particle Swarm Optimization MPPT Algorithm for Photovoltaic System Under Partial Shading," IEEE transactions on industrial electronics, vol. 66, pp. 265-275, 2019 

  14. Zebiri M., Mediouni M., Idadoub H., "Modeling and simulation of the shading effect on the performance of a photovoltaic module in the presence of the bypass diode," E3S Web Conferences, Vol. 37, pp.1-7, 2018 

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