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급식·외식 연구주제의 확장: 한국식생활문화학회지의 20년간의 서지학적 재고
Expanding Research Topics in Foodservice and Restaurant Management: Rethinking Two Decades Bibliometrics in the Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture 원문보기

韓國食生活文化學會誌 = Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture, v.37 no.3, 2022년, pp.179 - 195  

한경수 (경기대학교 관광문화대학 외식조리학과) ,  이해영 (상지대학교) ,  신선화 (경기대학교 관광문화대학 외식조리학과) ,  채인숙 (제주대학교)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

For any research study, in order to achieve the researcher's intended purpose, the depth of research is added, and the area of the subject is expanded by clearly defining the scope and objective. The study was undertaken to analyze the bibliographic data of 254 papers in the field of foodservice and...


표/그림 (7)

참고문헌 (95)

  1. Cho MS. 2005. Health and nutrition implications of food away from home -current trends for marketing restaurants-. J. Korean Soc. Food Cult., 20(6):767-776 

  2. Choe ES, Lee YE. 2009. Quality evaluation of foodservice within child care centers in Chungbuk province. J. Korean Soc. Food Cult., 24(3):267-278 

  3. Choi HJ, Yang IS, Cha JA, Shin SY. 2007. Usage frequency and importance of competencies required to restaurant industry professionals. J. Korean Soc. Food Cult., 22(2):201-209 

  4. Choi J, Lee SH, 2021. An Exploratory Study on Research Trend of Franchise in Korea Using Text Mining. J. Franchising., 7(2):1-30 

  5. Choi MS, Jung JH, Kim YY. 2017. Effects of Coffee Shop Brand Attributes and Price Fairness on the Purchasing Behavior-Focus on the Case of Coffee Shop A. J. Korean Soc. Food Cult., 32(6):549-557 

  6. Choi SK, Lee YJ, Lee JH. 2004. A study on the satisfaction of the buffet menu quality of the hotel customers. J. Korean Soc. Food Cult., 19(5):573-586 

  7. Choi YJ, Kim YK. 2006. Consideration of Professionalism of Sommelier as a Profession in Hotel and Foodservice Industry. J. Korean Soc. Food Cult., 21(2):124-130 

  8. Chong YK, Jung WH. 2006. Wine consuming behavior by demographic characteristics of wine consumers. J. Korean Soc. Food Cult., 21(3):280-289 

  9. Chun BG, Roh YM. 2005. The influence of physical environment perception on restaurant patrons' attitude formation: The mediating role of emotional responses. J. Korean Soc. Food Cult., 20(4):438-445 

  10. Chung RN, Yang IS, Lee HY. 2007. What's the consideration attribute on purchasing the HMR?. J. Korean Soc. Food Cult., 22(3):315-322 

  11. Cunill OM, Salva AS, Gonzalez LO, Mulet-Forteza C. 2019. Thirty-fifth anniversary of the International Journal of Hospitality Management: A bibliometric overview. International J. Hospitality Manag., 78:89-101 

  12. Dagvadorj A, An J, Kim HS. 2021. A Study on Research Trend of Foodservice in Korean Schools Using Semantic Network Analysis. Culin. Sci. Hosp. Res., 27(3):112-119 

  13. Ha DH. 2011. Job Burnout of Restaurant Employees in Daegu City-With a Focus on 'Family-Work Conflict', 'WorkFamily Conflict', Job Satisfaction, and Individual Job Performance. J. Korean Soc. Food Cult., 26(3):261-270 

  14. Ha DH, Kim SM. 2007. The relationship among perceived benefits of hotel F&B loyalty program, relationship quality and loyalty. J. Korean Soc. Food Cult., 22(2):283-288 

  15. Ha GH. 2021. Analysis of Research Trends in Children's Literature Using LDA: Focusing on KCI registered papers. J. CheongRam Korean Lang. Educ., 83:7-38 

  16. Han JK, Kim HS. 2009. Comparative study of the job satisfaction, job performance and job importance level of school nutrition teachers and school dietitians. J. Korean Soc. Food Cult., 24(5):525-532 

  17. Han KH, Park JS, Choi MS, Chung SD, Chai IS. 2002. Evaluation of the menus of free meal service centers for home-bound elderly. J. Korean Soc. Food Cult., 17(5):584-593 

  18. Han KS, Seo KM, Park HN, Hong SY. 2004. Issues of Korean restaurant industry by content analysis of food yearly statistics. J. Korean Soc. Food Cult., 19(3):313-325 

  19. Han KS, Shin SH. 2022. Flow of knowledge in customer behavior research related to hotel and restaurant management: Is it progressing academically from a contemporary perspective? J. Tour. Sci., 46(3):77-110 

  20. Jang KW, Yu YQ. 2021. A study on the research trends of korean language for intonation education using language network analysis: Focusing on the language network. J. Learn. Cent. Curric. Instr., 21(7):63-73 

  21. Jang MS, Kang YM, Lee JM. 2008. Satisfaction for military foodservice system of korean soldiers in iraq. J. Korean Soc. Food Cult., 23(1):8-25 

  22. Jin YH, Kim YY, An SH. 2016. The effects of the face sensitivity on conspicuous consumption and purchase intention-Focused on luxury restaurants. J. Korean Soc. Food Cult., 31(2):170-177 

  23. Ju SY, Kwon YS, Chung HJ. 2012. Trend Analysis Regarding the Institutional Foodservice-Related Research in Korea from 2005 to 2009. Korean Soc. Community Living Sci., 23(2):103-116 

  24. Jung EB, Cho HJ, 2020. A Keyword Network Analysis of Tourism Literature from 2008 to 2019. J. Tour. Manag. Res., 24(5):647-671 

  25. Jung HS, Yoon HH. 2007. A study on the recognition on ethics management of employees in the foodservice industry. J. Korean Soc. Food Cult., 22(1):58-69 

  26. Jung HS, Yoon HH. 2008. A Canonical Correlation between Employee's Business Ethics Awareness and the Business Ethics Practice in Foodservice Industry. J. Korean Soc. Food Cult., 23(2):163-171 

  27. Jung HS, Yoon HH. 2010. The effects of servicescapes in Korean restaurants on customers' experiential value, pleasure feeling and customer satisfaction. J. Korean Soc. Food Cult., 25(1):36-46 

  28. Jung HS, Yoon HH. 2014. The effects of employees' social intelligence and positive psychology capital in foodservice industry on job satisfaction. J. Korean Soc. Food Cult., 29(1):18-25 

  29. Jung SY. 2013. Bibliometric analysis on the research trends in foodservice studies. J. Foodserv. Manag. Soc. Korea, 16(4):27-46 

  30. Kim DW, Cho MI, Kim SY. 2013. Exploring advertising and public relations research in Korea: Using semantic network analysis across different time periods from 1988 to 2012. Korean J. Advert., 24(6):95-120 

  31. Kim MS. 2005. A study for eating-out behavior of the university students. J. Korean Soc. Food Cult., 20(5):548-553 

  32. Kim SA. 2004. Research Trends on School Lunch. Bull. Food Technol., 17(4):48-62 

  33. Kim SH, Joo NM. 2007. Research on consumer's food purchasing intentions through internet shopping mall. J. Korean Soc. Food Cult., 22(6): 705-712 

  34. Kim SJ, Cho M. 2015. The Effects of Health-related Menu Choice Attributes on Customer Behavioral Intentions at Well-being Restaurants-The Moderating Roles of Food Involvement and Trust. J. Korean Soc. Food Cult., 30(3):333-344 

  35. Kim SM, Kim YJ. 2020. Research trend analysis on living lab using text mining. J. Digit. Converg., 18(8):37-48 

  36. Kim TH. 2002. Family restaurant patrons' attitudes toward nutrition & healthy menus. J. Korean Soc. Food Cult., 17(5):629-637 

  37. Kim TH, Chang HJ. 2003. Family restaurant patrons' perception on nutrition information of restaurant menus. J. Korean Soc. Food Cult., 18(3):270-278 

  38. Kim TH, Lee EJ, Choi JY. 2007. The Globalization of Korean Cuisine through the Brand chefs-Focused on the Examples of Success in Japan. J. Korean Soc. Food Cult., 22(6):682-689 

  39. Kim TH, Yoon JY. 2002. Internet utilization of purchasing management in food service industry-based on the buyers' perceptions. J. Korean Soc. Food Cult., 17(5):605-618 

  40. Kye SH, Yoon SI, Kwak TK. 1988. Assessment of the working environment, production and transportation practices for the packaged meal (Dosirak) manufacturing establishments in Seoul city and Kyungki-do province. J. Korean Soc. Food Cult., 3(3):293-299 

  41. Lee JH, Lee KH. 2018. A Comparative Study on the Research Trends of Food Service and the Social Perspective of Food Service through Social Network Analysis. J. Foodserv. Manage., 21(5):269-297 

  42. Lee JM, Park JS. 1995. A Cost-effectiveness Study for the Contract Management of the Hospital Foodservice Dishwashing Work. J. Korean Soc. Food Cult., 10(1):29-34 

  43. Lee SB, Yoo YJ, Ha DH. 2008. The Effects of Brand Personality on Brand Awareness/Association, Brand Emotion-Relationship, Brand Image and Brand Loyalty in Family Restaurant of Ulsan and Daegu. J. Korean Soc. Food Cult., 23(2): 172-183 

  44. Lee SJ, Chae IS. 2008. Expectation and satisfaction of foreign customers visiting Korean restaurants located in USA:analysis for food and service attributes through IPA analysis. J. Korean Soc. Food Cult., 23(2):152-162 

  45. Lee YE. 2008. An analysis on the satisfaction with the quality of school foodservice in Chungbuk province. J. Korean Soc. Food Cult., 23(1):105-114 

  46. Lee YJ. 2007. A Study on Difference between the Importance and Performance of the Role of Food Coordinator for the Globalization of Korean Food. J. Korean Soc. Food Cult., 22(5):544-555 

  47. Lee YM, Lee KW Myung CO, Park YS, Nam HW. 1999. Free congregate site meal service systems for elderly at urban area. J. Korean Soc. Food Cult., 14(4):431-446 

  48. Lyu ES, Kwak TK. 1989. Consumer opinions on fast foods and foodservice-I. Hamburger chain restaurants. J. Korean Soc. Food Cult., 4(3):229-236 

  49. Min JE, Ju EJ, Xia Z. 2020. The Analysis of Foodservice & Restaurants Research Trend in Korea: Using Semantic Network Analysis. Culin. Sci. Hosp. Res., 26(5):147-159 

  50. Mo SM, Kim CI, Lee SY, Yoon EY, Lee KS, & Choi KS. 1986. A Study on Dining out Behaviours of Fast Foods-Focused on Youido Apartment Compound in Seoul. J. Korean Soc. Food Cult., 1(3):295-309 

  51. Moon SJ, Song JS. 2012. Study on food quality of Korean restaurants, customer satisfaction, and revisit intentions in Chinese university or college students-focused on different awareness of Korean food. J. Korean Soc. Food Cult., 27(3):285-293 

  52. Mulet-Forteza C., Genovart-Balaguer J., Merigo J M, Mauleon-Mendez E. 2019. Bibliometric structure of IJCHM in its 30 years. International J. Contemp. Hosp. Manag., 31(12):4574-4604 

  53. Park EH. 2021. Topic Analysis in EFL Writing in Korea Using Text Mining. Korean J. Appl. Linguist., 37(3):95-122 

  54. Park HW, Koh HY, Park NH, Kang TS, Mo SM. 1988. Optimization of the Korean packaged meal (Dosirak) production facilities for food service delivered long distance. J. Korean Soc. Food Cult., 3(1):89-93 

  55. Park JH, Kim JE. 2009. The effect of family restaurant brand identity on the purchase intention of consumer. J. Korean Soc. Food Cult., 24(3):245-255 

  56. Park KD, Kye SH, Jeoung EY. 1991. Investigation of Foodservice in some social welfare facilities in Seoul. J. Korean Soc. Food Cult., 6(4):381-391 

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  59. Rha JS, Noh YH. 2015. Bibliometric network analysis on the recent foodservice management research. J. Foodserv. Manag. Soc. Korea., 18(1):117-136 

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  63. Shin SY, Lee BJ. 2020. Analyzing Research Trends of Food Tourism Using Text Mining Techniques. J. Korean Soc. Food Cult., 35(1):65-78 

  64. Sin EK, Lee YK. 2003. Effects of personal and job characteristics on organizational commitment and job satisfaction of Daegu. Gyeongbuk area dietitians by foodservice employment type. J. Korean Soc. Food Cult., 18(2):75-88 

  65. Soe SH, Ryu KM. 2009. Chinese customers's perception of Korean foods and satisfaction and revisit intention to Korean cuisine restaurants -a focus on visiting experience and frequency of visits-. J. Korean Soc. Food Cult., 24(2):126-136 

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  67. Yang IS, Han KS. 1999. An analysis of customer satisfaction by operational characteristics in business & industry foodservice operated by contracted foodservice management company. J. Korean Soc. Food Cult., 14(5):487-495 

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