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Clinical Role of Magnifying Endoscopy with Narrow-band Imaging in the Diagnosis of Early Gastric Cancer 원문보기

Journal of digestive cancer research, v.10 no.2, 2022년, pp.56 - 64  

최수인 (인제대학교 상계백병원 내과학교실)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Narrow-band imaging (NBI) is the most widely used image-enhanced endoscopic technique. The superficial microanatomy of gastric mucosa can be visualized when used with a magnifying endoscopy with narrow-band imaging (ME-NBI). The diagnostic criteria for early gastric cancer (EGC), using the classific...


참고문헌 (35)

  1. Yao, Kenshi, Iwashita, Akinori, Tanabe, Hiroshi, Nagahama, Takashi, Matsui, Toshiyuki, Ueki, Toshiharu, Sou, Suketo, Kikuchi, Yosuke, Yorioka, Makoto. Novel Zoom Endoscopy Technique for Diagnosis of Small Flat Gastric Cancer: A Prospective, Blind Study. Clinical gastroenterology and hepatology : the official clinical practice journal of the American Gastroenterological Association, vol.5, no.7, 869-878.

  2. Shibagaki, Kotaro, Amano, Yuji, Ishimura, Norihisa, Taniguchi, Hideaki, Fujita, Hiraku, Adachi, Seiji, Kakehi, Eichi, Fujita, Ryosuke, Kobayashi, Keita, Kinoshita, Yoshikazu. Diagnostic accuracy of magnification endoscopy with acetic acid enhancement and narrow-band imaging in gastric mucosal neoplasms. Endoscopy, vol.48, no.1, 16-25.

  3. Nagahama, T., Yao, K., Maki, S., Yasaka, M., Takaki, Y., Matsui, T., Tanabe, H., Iwashita, A., Ota, A.. Usefulness of magnifying endoscopy with narrow-band imaging for determining the horizontal extent of early gastric cancer when there is an unclear margin by chromoendoscopy (with video). Gastrointestinal endoscopy, vol.74, no.6, 1259-1267.

  4. KOBARA, HIDEKI, MORI, HIROHITO, FUJIHARA, SHINTARO, KOBAYASHI, MITSUYOSHI, NISHIYAMA, NORIKO, NOMURA, TAKAKO, KATO, KIYOHITO, ISHIHARA, SHINICHI, MORITO, TOSHIAKI, MIZOBUCHI, KOICHI, IWAMA, HISAKAZU, MASAKI, TSUTOMU. Prediction of invasion depth for submucosal differentiated gastric cancer by magnifying endoscopy with narrow-band imaging. Oncology reports, vol.28, no.3, 841-847.

  5. Kikuchi, Daisuke, Iizuka, Toshiro, Hoteya, Shu, Yamada, Akihiro, Furuhata, Tsukasa, Yamashita, Satoshi, Domon, Kaoru, Nakamura, Masanori, Matsui, Akira, Mitani, Toshifumi, Ogawa, Osamu, Watanabe, Sumio, Kaise, Mitsuru. Usefulness of Magnifying Endoscopy with Narrow-Band Imaging for Determining Tumor Invasion Depth in Early Gastric Cancer. Gastroenterology Research and Practice, vol.2013, 217695-.

  6. Gono, Kazuhiro, Obi, Takashi, Yamaguchi, Masahiro, Ohyama, Nagaaki, Machida, Hirohisa, Sano, Yasushi, Yoshida, Shigeaki, Hamamoto, Yasuo, Endo, Takao. Appearance of enhanced tissue features in narrow-band endoscopic imaging. Journal of biomedical optics, vol.9, no.3, 568-.

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  11. Yao, Kenshi, Oishi, Tatsuhiro. Microgastroscopic findings of mucosal microvascular architecture as visualized by magnifying endoscopy. Digestive endoscopy : official journal of the Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society, vol.13, no.1,

  12. YAGI, KAZUYOSHI, NAKAMURA, ATSUO, SEKINE, ATSUO. Characteristic endoscopic and magnified endoscopic findings in the normal stomach without Helicobacter pylori infection. Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology, vol.17, no.1, 39-45.

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  15. Yao, Kenshi, Oishi, Tatsuhiro, Matsui, Toshiyuki, Yao, Tsuneyoshi, Iwashita, Akinori. Novel magnified endoscopic findings of microvascular architecture in intramucosal gastric cancer. Gastrointestinal endoscopy, vol.56, no.2, 279-284.

  16. Ezoe, Yasumasa, Muto, Manabu, Uedo, Noriya, Doyama, Hisashi, Yao, Kenshi, Oda, Ichiro, Kaneko, Kazuhiro, Kawahara, Yoshiro, Yokoi, Chizu, Sugiura, Yasushi, Ishikawa, Hideki, Takeuchi, Yoji, Kaneko, Yoshibumi, Saito, Yutaka. Magnifying Narrowband Imaging Is More Accurate Than Conventional White-Light Imaging in Diagnosis of Gastric Mucosal Cancer. Gastroenterology, vol.141, no.6, 2017-2025.e3.

  17. Yamada, Shinya, Doyama, Hisashi, Yao, Kenshi, Uedo, Noriya, Ezoe, Yasumasa, Oda, Ichiro, Kaneko, Kazuhiro, Kawahara, Yoshiro, Yokoi, Chizu, Sugiura, Yasushi, Ishikawa, Hideki, Takeuchi, Yoji, Saito, Yutaka, Muto, Manabu. An efficient diagnostic strategy for small, depressed early gastric cancer with magnifying narrow-band imaging: a post-hoc analysis of?a prospective randomized controlled trial. Gastrointestinal endoscopy, vol.79, no.1, 55-63.

  18. Yao, Kenshi, Doyama, Hisashi, Gotoda, Takuji, Ishikawa, Hideki, Nagahama, Takashi, Yokoi, Chizu, Oda, Ichiro, Machida, Hirohisa, Uchita, Kunihisa, Tabuchi, Masahiko. Diagnostic performance and limitations of magnifying narrow-band imaging in screening endoscopy of early gastric cancer: a prospective multicenter feasibility study. Gastric cancer : official journal of the International Gastric Cancer Association and the Japanese Gastric Cancer Association, vol.17, no.4, 669-679.

  19. Nagahama, Takashi, Yao, Kenshi, Uedo, Noriya, Doyama, Hisashi, Ueo, Tetsuya, Uchita, Kunihisa, Ishikawa, Hideki, Kanesaka, Takashi, Takeda, Yasuhito, Wada, Kurato, Imamura, Kentaro, Arima, Hisatomi, Shimokawa, Toshio. Delineation of the extent of early gastric cancer by magnifying narrow-band imaging and chromoendoscopy: a multicenter randomized controlled trial. Endoscopy, vol.50, no.6, 566-576.

  20. Yao, Kenshi, Iwashita, Akinori, Nambu, Masami, Tanabe, Hiroshi, Nagahama, Takashi, Maki, Shinichiro, Ishikawa, Hideki, Matsui, Toshiyuki, Enjoji, Munechika. Nature of white opaque substance in gastric epithelial neoplasia as visualized by magnifying endoscopy with narrow‐band imaging. Digestive endoscopy : official journal of the Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society, vol.24, no.6, 419-425.

  21. . Nishimura, T.M.), Department of Pathology (A.I.), Fukuoka University Chikushi Hospital, Fukuoka, Japan, Current affiliations: Department of Gastroenterology (K.Y., H.T., N.N., T. Nagahama, S.M., Y.T., F.H., T.H., T. Nishimura, T.M.), Department of Pathology (A.I.), Fukuoka University Chikushi Hospital, Fukuoka, Japan. White opaque substance within superficial elevated gastric neoplasia as visualized by magnification endoscopy with narrow-band imaging: a new optical sign for differentiating between adenoma and carcinoma. Gastrointestinal endoscopy, vol.68, no.3, 574-580.

  22. Kanemitsu, Takao, Yao, Kenshi, Nagahama, Takashi, Fujiwara, Shoko, Takaki, Yasuhiro, Ono, Yoichiro, Matsushima, Yu, Matsui, Toshiyuki, Tanabe, Hiroshi, Ota, Atsuko, Iwashita, Akinori. The vessels within epithelial circle (VEC) pattern as visualized by magnifying endoscopy with narrow-band imaging (ME-NBI) is a useful marker for the diagnosis of papillary adenocarcinoma: a case-controlled study. Gastric cancer : official journal of the International Gastric Cancer Association and the Japanese Gastric Cancer Association, vol.17, no.3, 469-477.

  23. Doyama, Hisashi, Yoshida, Naohiro, Tsuyama, Sho, Ota, Ryosuke, Takeda, Yasuhito, Nakanishi, Hiroyoshi, Tsuji, Kunihiro, Tominaga, Kei, Tsuji, Shigetsugu, Takemura, Kenichi, Yamada, Shinya, Katayanagi, Kazuyoshi, Kurumaya, Hiroshi, Iwashita, Akinori, Yao, Kenshi. The “white globe appearance” (WGA): a novel marker for a correct diagnosis of early gastric cancer by magnifying endoscopy with narrow-band imaging (M-NBI). Endoscopy international open, vol.3, no.2, E120-E124.

  24. Watanabe, Yoshiaki, Shimizu, Michio, Itoh, Tomoo, Nagashima, Kazuo. Intraglandular necrotic debris in gastric biopsy and surgical specimens. Annals of diagnostic pathology, vol.5, no.3, 141-147.

  25. Yoshida, Naohiro, Doyama, Hisashi, Nakanishi, Hiroyoshi, Tsuji, Kunihiro, Tominaga, Kei, Matsunaga, Kazuhiro, Tsuji, Shigetsugu, Takemura, Kenichi, Yamada, Shinya, Tsuyama, Sho, Katayanagi, Kazuyoshi, Kurumaya, Hiroshi. White globe appearance is a novel specific endoscopic marker for gastric cancer: A prospective study. Digestive endoscopy : official journal of the Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society, vol.28, no.1, 59-66.

  26. Omura, Hitoshi, Yoshida, Naohiro, Hayashi, Tomoyuki, Miwa, Kazuhiro, Takatori, Hajime, Tsuji, Hirokazu, Inamura, Katsuhisa, Shirota, Yukihiro, Aoyagi, Hiroyuki, Masunaga, Takaharu, Katayanagi, Kazuyoshi, Kurumaya, Hiroshi, Kaneko, Shuichi, Doyama, Hisashi. Interobserver agreement in detection of “white globe appearance” and the ability of educational lectures to improve the diagnosis of gastric lesions. Gastric cancer : official journal of the International Gastric Cancer Association and the Japanese Gastric Cancer Association, vol.20, no.4, 620-628.

  27. Kanesaka, Takashi, Uedo, Noriya, Yao, Kenshi, Ezoe, Yasumasa, Doyama, Hisashi, Oda, Ichiro, Kaneko, Kazuhiro, Kawahara, Yoshiro, Yokoi, Chizu, Sugiura, Yasushi, Ishikawa, Hideki, Takeuchi, Yoji, Arao, Masamichi, Iwatsubo, Taro, Iwagami, Hiroyoshi, Matsuno, Kenji, Muto, Manabu, Saito, Yutaka, Tomita, Yasuhiko. Multiple convex demarcation line for prediction of benign depressed gastric lesions in magnifying narrow-band imaging. Endoscopy international open, vol.6, no.2, E145-E155.

  28. Kanesaka, Takashi, Sekikawa, Akira, Tsumura, Takehiko, Maruo, Takanori, Osaki, Yukio, Wakasa, Tomoko, Shintaku, Masayuki, Yao, Kenshi. Dense‐type crypt opening seen on magnifying endoscopy with narrow‐band imaging is a feature of gastric adenoma. Digestive endoscopy : official journal of the Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society, vol.26, no.1, 57-62.

  29. Nakayoshi, T., Tajiri, H., Matsuda, K., Kaise, M., Ikegami, M., Sasaki, H.. Magnifying Endoscopy Combined with Narrow Band Imaging System for Early Gastric Cancer: Correlation of Vascular Pattern with Histopathology (including video). Endoscopy, vol.36, no.12, 1080-1084.

  30. Kanesaka, T., Sekikawa, A., Tsumura, T., Maruo, T., Osaki, Y., Wakasa, T., Shintaku, M., Yao, K.. Absent microsurface pattern is characteristic of early gastric cancer of undifferentiated type: magnifying endoscopy with narrow-band imaging. Gastrointestinal endoscopy, vol.80, no.6, 1194-1198.e1.

  31. Asada-Hirayama, Itsuko, Kodashima, Shinya, Sakaguchi, Yoshiki, Ono, Satoshi, Niimi, Keiko, Mochizuki, Satoshi, Tsuji, Yosuke, Minatsuki, Chihiro, Shichijo, Satoki, Matsuzaka, Keisuke, Ushiku, Tetsuo, Fukayama, Masashi, Yamamichi, Nobutake, Fujishiro, Mitsuhiro, Koike, Kazuhiko. Magnifying endoscopy with narrow-band imaging is more accurate for determination of horizontal extent of early gastric cancers than chromoendoscopy. Endoscopy international open, vol.4, no.6, E690-E698.

  32. Kiyotoki, Shu, Nishikawa, Jun, Satake, Masaaki, Fukagawa, Yuki, Shirai, Yasuyuki, Hamabe, Kouichi, Saito, Mari, Okamoto, Takeshi, Sakaida, Isao. Usefulness of magnifying endoscopy with narrow‐band imaging for determining gastric tumor margin. Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology, vol.25, no.10, 1636-1641.

  33. Yao, Kenshi, Yao, Tsuneyoshi, Iwashita, Akinori. DETERMINING THE HORIZONTAL EXTENT OF EARLY GASTRIC CARCINOMA: TWO MODERN TECHNIQUES BASED ON DIFFERENCES IN THE MUCOSAL MICROVASCULAR ARCHITECTURE and DENSITY BETWEEN CARCINOMATOUS and NON‐CARCINOMATOUS MUCOSA. Digestive endoscopy : official journal of the Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society, vol.14, no.1, S83-S87.

  34. Yao, Kenshi, Nagahama, Takashi, Matsui, Toshiyuki, Iwashita, Akinori. Detection and characterization of early gastric cancer for curative endoscopic submucosal dissection. Digestive endoscopy : official journal of the Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society, vol.25, no.1, 44-54.

  35. Yagi, Kazuyoshi, Nakamura, Atsuo, Sekine, Atsuo, Umezu, Hajime. MAGNIFYING ENDOSCOPY WITH NARROW BAND IMAGING FOR EARLY DIFFERENTIATED GASTRIC ADENOCARCINOMA. Digestive endoscopy : official journal of the Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society, vol.20, no.3, 115-122.

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