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A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Foot Bath Therapy for Insomnia Disorder 원문보기

동의신경정신과학회지 = Journal of oriental neuropsychiatry, v.34 no.3, 2023년, pp.163 - 179  

김동현 (부산대학교 한의학전문대학원 한의학과) ,  조준희 (부산대학교 한의학전문대학원 부산대학교 한방병원 신경정신과) ,  임정화 (부산대학교 한의학전문대학원 부산대학교 한방병원 신경정신과) ,  김보경 (부산대학교 한의학전문대학원 부산대학교 한방병원 신경정신과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Objectives: The purpose of this study was to provide evidence for the clinical effects of foot bath therapy for insomnia disorder through a systematic review and meta-analysis. Methods: Studies were selected from seven domestic and international literature databases. Data on diagnostic tools, patter...


표/그림 (9)

참고문헌 (27)

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  13. Afrasiabifar A, Hamzhiekia S, Mosavi A, Hossini SM. The?effect of warm water footbath versus Swedish massages?on hemodialysis patients' sleep quality and insomnia.?Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Sciences. 2022;9:81-9.? 

  14. Guven SD. Improving sleep quality in older adults: foot reflexology or warm footbath? a single-blind, 6-week intervention, two group, randomized comparative study.?Journal of Gerontological Nursing. 2022;48:17-22.? 

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  16. Li HY. Clinical observation on Jieyu Anshen Granule combined with Jiaotai pills foot bath in the treatment of perimenopausal insomnia. China's Naturopathy. 2020;28:76-8.? 

  17. Deng YH, Zhou JY, Chen LJ. Clinical study of Chinese?medicine foot bath combined with western medicine for?insomnia with Qi depression constitution. Journal of New?Chinese Medicine. 2018;50(11):71-4.? 

  18. He TT. Clinical observation of traditional Chinese medicine foot bath for treating insomnia in 30 cases of perimenopausal women with disharmony between the heart?and the kidney. Hunan Journal OF Traditional Chinese?Medicine. 2018;34:63-4.? 

  19. Wu HY, Li YP, Yang MZ. Qiju Dihuang decoction foot bath?combined with western medicine in the treatment of senile hypertension complicated with insomnia (Yinxu?Yangkang) randomized parallel control study. Journal of?Practical Traditional Chinese Internal Medicine. 2018;32:21-3.? 

  20. Deng YH, Zhou NH, Zhou JY, Liu HF, Chen LJ. Traditional?Chinese medicine foot bath fumigation for treating insomnia in patients with Yang deficiency constitution: a?randomized controlled study. Zhejiang Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine. 2017;52:21-2.? 

  21. Li SH. Observation on curative effect of foot bath in treating cervical spondylosis insomnia of liver Qi stagnation?transforming into fire pattern and nursing experience?based on syndrome differentiation. Chinese and Foreign?Medical Research. 2015;13:153-5.? 

  22. Cai JH, Peng HY, Wu BM, Lu YF, Zhang YX. With traditional?Chinese medicine foot bath and oral estazolam on improving quality of sleep in patients with post stroke insomnia comparison. Journal of Practical Traditional?Chinese Internal Medicine. 2013;27:52-4. 

  23. Wang H. Clinical observation on treating palpitations insomnia by TCM Lavipeditum combined with acupressure. Clinical Journal of Chinese Medicine. 2013;5:109-111.? 

  24. Liu XF, Jiang WM. Observation of the therapeutic effect of?traditional Chinese medicine foot bath therapy on posthepatectomy insomnia. Journal of New Chinese Medicine.?2012;44:22-3.? 

  25. Gu YX, Liu JH. Clinical study on Chinese medicine foot?bath in treating insomnia after cerebral infarction differentiated as liver depression and Qi stagnation syndrome.?Journal of Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese?Medicine. 2021;38:761-5.? 

  26. Xing ZH. Effect of foot bath with Chinese medicine on?sleep quality of parturient after cesarean section. World?Journal of Sleep Medicine. 2021;8:1155-6.? 

  27. Xu XY, Li J, Zhou CT, Fang LL. Clinical study on foot bath?with Chinese herbal medicine combined with routine?therapy for stages 3 to 4 chronic kidney disease complicated with insomnia. New Chinese Medicine. 2022;54:208-11.? 

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