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건축 내부 바닥 미장 자동화 로봇 플랫폼 개발
Development of an Automated Indoor Floor Finish Robot Platform 원문보기

한국전자통신학회 논문지 = The Journal of the Korea Institute of Electronic Communication Sciences, v.18 no.5, 2023년, pp.853 - 858  

문지윤 (조선대학교 전자공학부) ,  이동주 (레드원테크놀러지)

AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

건설 산업에 다양한 종류의 로봇들이 활용되고 있다. 특히, 일관된 작업의 품질을 보장할 수 있는 미장 자동화에 적용할 수 있는 로봇에 관한 관심이 높다. 이에 본 논문에서는 wheel을 기반으로 미장 자동화를 위한 로봇 플랫폼을 제안한다. 실험을 통해 우리는 설계한 로봇을 이용하여 wheel의 공기압에 따른 표면 압력을 측정하였다. 그 결과, 설계한 로봇은 무른 모르타르 위에서 휠당 균일하고 낮은 압력으로 미장 작업이 가능할 것임을 확인할 수 있었다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Various types of robots are being utilized in the construction industry. Particularly, there is high interest in robots that can be applied to plastering automation, which can ensure consistent work quality. In this paper, we propose a robot platform based on wheels for plastering automation. Throug...


표/그림 (4)

참고문헌 (10)

  1. J. Fan, Z. Pai, and L. Shufei, "Vision-based?holistic scene understanding towards proactive?human-robot collaboration," Robotics and?Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, vol. 75, pp.?102304, 2022. 

  2. J. Y, Moon, J. H, Moon, and S. H. Bea.,?"Control for Manipulator of an Underwater?Robot Using Meta Reinforcement Learning," J.?of The Korea Institute of Electronic?Communication Sciences, 2021, vol. 16, no. 1,?pp. 95-100. 

  3. Y. P. Lee, Y. S. Moon, N. Y. Ko, H. T. Choi, J. G. Lee, and Y. C. Bae, "Estimation?Technique of Time Difference of Acoustic?Signal by phase delay in Underwater?Environments," J. of The Korea Institute of?Electronic Communication Sciences, 2016, vol. 11,?no. 4, pp. 365-372. 

  4. B. Kim, J. Park, S. Han, and K. Kim, "An?Artificial Inteligent based Learning Model for?BIM Elements Usage," J. of The Korea Institute?of Electronic Communication Sciences, 2023 vol.?18, no. 1, pp. 107-114. 

  5. M. Zhang, R. Xu, H. Wu, J. Pan, X. Luo,?"Human-robot collaboration for on-site?construction," Automation in Construction, 2023,?vol. 150, pp. 104812. 

  6. S. Karimi, I. Iordanova, and D. St-Onge, "An?ontology-based approach to data exchanges?for robot navigation on construction sites,"?arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.10239, 2021. 

  7. J. Fan, Z. Pai, and L. Shufei, "Vision-based?holistic scene understanding towards proactive?human-robot collaboration," Robotics and?Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, vol. 75,?2022, pp. 102304. 

  8. J. Webber, "A programmatic introduction to?neo4j," In proceedings of the 3rd annual?conference on Systems, programming, and?applications: software for humanity, 2012., pp.?217-218. 

  9. H. A. Geffner, "PDDL 2.1: Representation vs.?computation," Journal of Artificial Intelligence?Research, vol. 20, pp, 139-144, 2003. 

  10. M.. Fox and D. Long. "PDDL2.1: An?Extension to PDDL for Expressing Temporal?Planning Domains," Journal of Artificial?Intelligence Research, AI Access Foundation,?December 1, 2003. 

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