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Analysis of issues in gate recess etching in the InAlAs/InGaAs HEMT manufacturing process 원문보기

ETRI journal, v.45 no.1, 2023년, pp.171 - 179  

Byoung-Gue Min (ICT Creative Research Laboratory, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute) ,  Jong-Min Lee (ICT Creative Research Laboratory, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute) ,  Hyung Sup Yoon (ICT Creative Research Laboratory, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute) ,  Woo-Jin Chang (ICT Creative Research Laboratory, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute) ,  Jong-Yul Park (ICT Creative Research Laboratory, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute) ,  Dong Min Kang (ICT Creative Research Laboratory, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute) ,  Sung-Jae Chang (DMC Convergence Research Department, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute) ,  Hyun-Wook Jung (DMC Convergence Research Department, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

We have developed an InAlAs/InGaAs metamorphic high electron mobility transistor device fabrication process where the gate length can be tuned within the range of 0.13㎛-0.16㎛ to suit the intended application. The core processes are a two-step electron-beam lithography process using a t...


참고문헌 (13)

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  12. B. Min, S. J. Chang, H. W. Jung, H. S. Yoon, J. M. Lee, W. J.?Jang, and D. M. Kang, A study on the behavior of gate recess?etch by photoresist openings on Ohmic electrode in?InAlAs/InGaAs mHEMT devices, J. Korean Phys. Soc.?77 (2020), no. 2, 122-126. 

  13. H. Yoon, B. G. Min, J. M. Lee, D. M. Kang, H. K. Ahn, H. Kim,?and J. Lim, Microwave low-noise performance of 0.17 μm gatelength AlGaN/GaN HEMTs on SiC with wide head double-deck?T-shaped gate, IEEE Electron. Device Lett. 37 (2016), no. 11,?1407-1410.? 

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