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[해외논문] Contraction of human hepatic stellate cells activated in culture: A role for voltage-operated calcium channels

Journal of hepatology : the journal of the European Association for the Study of the Liver, v.29 no.3, 1998년, pp.398 - 408  

Bataller, R. (Liver Unit, Department of Medicine, University of Barcelona School of Medicine, , Catalunya,, Barcelona, Spain) ,  Nicolas, J.M. ,  Gines, P. ,  Gorbis, M.N. ,  Garcia-Ramallo, E. ,  Lario, S. ,  Tobias, E. ,  Pinzani, M. ,  Thomas, A.P. ,  Arroyo, V. ,  Rodes, J.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Background/Aims: Voltage-operated calcium channels are essential for the regulation of vascular tone and are potential targets for vasodilating agents. They regulate calcium entry and thereby cell contraction in vascular cell types. Hepatic stellate cells in the activated phenotype have contractile ...


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