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[해외논문] Derivatives of Complex Eigenvectors Using Nelson's Method

AIAA journal, v.38 no.12, 2000년, pp.2355 - 2357  

Friswell, Michael I. (University of Wales Swansea, Swansea, Wales SA2 8PP, United Kingdom) ,  Adhikari, Sondipon (University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England CB2 1PZ, United Kingdom)


A method to calculate the derivatives of eigenvalues and eigenvectors for systems with nonproportional damping is presented. Nelson's method is used, which has the advantage that only the eigenvectors of interest are required.

참고문헌 (7)

  1. Adhikari, Sondipon. Rates of Change of Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors in Damped Dynamic System. AIAA journal, vol.37, no.11, 1452-1458.

  2. Adelman, Howard M., Haftka, Raphael T.. Sensitivity Analysis of Discrete Structural Systems. AIAA journal, vol.24, no.5, 823-832.

  3. FOX, R. L., KAPOOR, M. P.. Rates of change of eigenvalues and eigenvectors.. AIAA journal, vol.6, no.12, 2426-2429.

  4. Nelson, Richard B.. Simplified calculation of eigenvector derivatives. AIAA journal, vol.14, no.9, 1201-1205.

  5. Lee, I.-W., Kim, D.-O., Jung, G.-H.. NATURAL FREQUENCY AND MODE SHAPE SENSITIVITIES OF DAMPED SYSTEMS: PART I, DISTINCT NATURAL FREQUENCIES. Journal of sound and vibration, vol.223, no.3, 399-412.

  6. Friswell, M.I., Lees, A.W.. RESONANCE FREQUENCIES OF VISCOUSLY DAMPED STRUCTURES. Journal of sound and vibration, vol.217, no.5, 950-959.

  7. Lambda Matrices and Vibrating Systems Lancaster P. 1966 

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