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[해외논문] An electrostatic discharge failure mechanism in semiconductor devices, with applications to electrostatic discharge measurements using transmission line pulsing technique

Solid-state electronics, v.44 no.10, 2000년, pp.1771 - 1781  

Lee, J.C (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL 32816, USA) ,  Hoque, A (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL 32816, USA) ,  Croft, G.D (Department of Technology Development, Intersil Corporation, Melbourne, FL, USA) ,  Liou, J.J (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL 32816, USA) ,  Young, R (Department of Technology Development, Intersil Corporation, Melbourne, FL, USA) ,  Bernier, J.C (Department of Reliability Engineering, Intersil Corporation, Melbourne, FL, USA)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractElectrostatic discharge (ESD) is responsible for more than 25% of semiconductor device and chip damage each year. This paper focuses on an ESD event resulting from the charge being transferred from a human body to an integrated circuit (called the human body model, HBM). In particular, the s...

참고문헌 (8)

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  2. IEEE Proc Vinson 86 399 1998 10.1109/5.659493 Electrostatic discharge in semiconductor devices: an overview 

  3. IEEE Proc Duvvury 81 690 1993 10.1109/5.220901 ESD: a pervasive reliability concern for IC technologies 

  4. Croft GD. ESD protection using a variable voltage supply clamp. EOS/ESD Symp Proc 1994. p. 135-40 

  5. Roozendaal LV, Amerasekera A, Bos P, Baelde W, Bontekoe F, Kersten P, Korma E, Rommers P, Krys P, Weber U, Ashby P. Standard ESD testing of integrated circuits. EOS/ESD Symp Proc 1990. p. 119-30 

  6. Maloney T, Khurana N. Transmission line pulsing techniques for circuit modeling of ESD phenomena. EOS/ESD Symp Proc 1985. p. 49-54 

  7. 10.1109/EOSESD.1996.865152 Beebe SG. Methodology for layout design and optimization of ESD protection transistors. EOS/ESD Symp Proc 1996. p. 265-75 

  8. Atlas Manual, Silvaco International, CA, 1996 

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