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[해외논문] Microcosms-experiments to assess the potential for natural attenuation of contaminated groundwater

Water research, v.35 no.3, 2001년, pp.720 - 728  

Althoff, Katrin (Institute of Hygiene and Environmental Medicine, RWTH Aachen,Pauwelsstraß) ,  Mundt, Matthias (e 30, D-52074 Aachen, Germany) ,  Eisentraeger, Adolf (Institute of Hygiene and Environmental Medicine, RWTH Aachen,Pauwelsstraß) ,  Dott, Wolfgang (e 30, D-52074 Aachen, Germany) ,  Hollender, Juliane (Institute of Hygiene and Environmental Medicine, RWTH Aachen,Pauwelsstraß)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractGroundwater samples from six wells of a former gas plant site were characterised using chemical, microbial and ecotoxicological methods. Degradation studies were performed in batch-culture under aerobic conditions with the groundwater samples containing their autochthonous microflora and ori...


참고문헌 (20)

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