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[해외논문] Dichromenoxanthones from Tovomita brasiliensis

Phytochemistry, v.55 no.7, 2000년, pp.815 - 818  

Marques, Vera Lúcia L. (Departamento de Quı) ,  De Oliveira, Fernando M. (́) ,  Conserva, Lucia M. (mica, Universidade Federal de Alagoas, 57072-970, Maceió) ,  Brito, Rose Grace L. (, Brazil) ,  Guilhon, Giselle Maria S.P. (Departamento de Quı)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractTwo dichromenoxanthones [1,6-dihydroxy-6′,6′-dimethylpyrano(2′,3′:3,4)-6″,6″-dimethylpyrano(2″,3″:7,8)xanthone (brasilixanthone A) and 1,6-dihydroxy-6′,6′-dimethylpyrano(2′,3′:2,3)-6″,6″-dimethy...


참고문헌 (20)

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