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[해외논문] Revision of a parent satisfaction survey based on the parent perspective

Journal of pediatric nursing, v.15 no.6, 2000년, pp.373 - 377  

Schaffer, Patricia (Division of Patient Services, Children's Hospital Medical Center, and the University of Cincinnati, College of Nursing, Cincinnati, OH.) ,  Vaughn, Gretchen (Division of Patient Services, Children's Hospital Medical Center, and the University of Cincinnati, College of Nursing, Cincinnati, OH.) ,  Kenner, Carole (Division of Patient Services, Children's Hospital Medical Center, and the University of Cincinnati, College of Nursing, Cincinnati, OH.) ,  Donohue, Florence (Division of Patient Services, Children's Hospital Medical Center, and the University of Cincinnati, College of Nursing, Cincinnati, OH.) ,  Longo, Anne (Division of Patient Services, Children's Hospital Medical Center, and the University of Cincinnati, College of Nursing, Cincinnati, OH.)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractParent surveys typically ask about aspects of care nurses think are important. The Parent Satisfaction Survey at a 250-bed children's hospital was revised based on what parents thought was most important for a nurse to do for themselves and their children. This report is based on a retrospec...

참고문헌 (11)

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  2. Children's Health Care Cardoso 20 4 258 1991 10.1207/s15326888chc2004_10 A parent's perspective: Family-centered care 

  3. Accident and Emergency Nursing Davis 3 1 14 1995 10.1016/0965-2302(95)90054-3 Children in accident and emergency: Parental perceptions of the quality of care. Part 1 

  4. Children's Health Care Dobbins 23 2 115 1994 10.1207/s15326888chc2302_4 Partners in growth: Implementing family-centered changes in the neonatal intensive care unit 

  5. Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing Kenner 4 3 78 1990 10.1097/00005237-199012000-00010 Caring for the NICU parent 

  6. Children's Health Care Knafl 21 2 90 1992 10.1207/s15326888chc2102_4 Parents' views of health care providers: An exploration of the components of a positive working relationship 

  7. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry Kopec-Schrader 27 2 264 1993 10.1080/00048679309075775 Parental evaluation of treatment outcome and satisfaction with an inpatient program for eating disorders 

  8. Applied Nursing Research McCain 1 3 146 1988 10.1016/S0897-1897(88)80029-6 Content analysis: A method for studying clinical nursing problems 

  9. Midwifery McKim 11 4 184 1995 10.1016/0266-6138(95)90003-9 The transition to home for mothers of healthy and initially healthy newborns 

  10. Children's Health Care Popper 19 4 242 1990 10.1207/s15326888chc1904_8 A parent's perspective: The changing role of parent involvement in the health care system 

  11. Rogers 5 1990 Nursing: Science of unitary, irreducible, human beings: Update 1990 

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