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[해외논문] Mortality in epilepsy in the first 11 to 14 years after diagnosis: Multivariate analysis of a long-term, prospective, population-based cohort

Annals of neurology, v.49 no.3, 2001년, pp.336 - 344  

Lhatoo, Samden D. (Epilepsy Research Group, Institute of Neurology, University College London, London, United Kingdom) ,  Johnson, Anthony L. (MRC Biostatistics Unit, Institute of Public Health, Cambridge, United Kingdom) ,  Goodridge, David M. (Warders Medical Centre, Tonbridge, Kent, United Kingdom) ,  MacDonald, Bridget K. (Epilepsy Research Group, Institute of Neurology, University College London, London, United Kingdom) ,  Sander, Josemir W. A. S. (Epilepsy Research Group, Institute of Neurology, University College London, London, United Kingdom) ,  Shorvon, Simon D. (Epilepsy Research Group, Institute of Neurology, University College London, London, United Kingdom)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The United Kingdom National General Practice Study of Epilepsy is a prospective, population-based study of newly diagnosed epilepsy. A cohort of 792 patients has now been followed for up to 14 years (median follow-up [25th, 75th percentiles] 11.8 years, range 10.6–11.7 years), a total of 11,40...

참고문헌 (21)

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  12. Nilsson, Lena, Tomson, T., Farahmand, B. Y., Diwan, V., Persson, P. G.. Cause‐Specific Mortality in Epilepsy: A Cohort Study of More Than 9,000 Patients Once Hospitalized for Epilepsy. Epilepsia : the journal of the International League against Epilepsy, vol.38, no.10, 1062-1068.

  13. Shackleton, D P, Westendorp, R G J, Trenite, D G A K.-N., Vandenbroucke, J P. Mortality in patients with epilepsy: 40 years of follow up in a Dutch cohort study. Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry, vol.66, no.5, 636-640.

  14. Nashef, L., Shorvon, S. D.. Mortality in Epilepsy. Epilepsia : the journal of the International League against Epilepsy, vol.38, no.10, 1059-1061.

  15. Zielihski, Janusz J.. Epilepsy and Mortality Rate and Cause of Death. Epilepsia : the journal of the International League against Epilepsy, vol.15, no.2, 191-201.

  16. Cockerell, Oliver C., Johnson, Anthony L., Sander, Josemir W. A. S., Shorvon, Simon D.. Prognosis of Epilepsy: A Review and Further Analysis of the First Nine Years of the British National General Practice Study of Epilepsy, a Prospective Population‐Based Study. Epilepsia : the journal of the International League against Epilepsy, vol.38, no.1, 31-46.

  17. Everitt, A. D, Sander, J. W. Incidence of epilepsy is now higher in elderly people than children. BMJ : British medical journal, vol.316, no.7133, 780-780.

  18. LHATOO, S D, LANGAN, Y, MACDONALD, B K, ZEIDAN, S, SANDER, J W A S. Sudden unexpected death: a rare event in a large community based prospective cohort with newly diagnosed epilepsy and high remission rates. Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry, vol.66, no.5, 692-693.

  19. 10.1002/1531-8249(199907)46:1<45::AID-ANA8>3.0.CO;2-I 

  20. Nashef, L, Fish, D R, Sander, J W, Shorvon, S D. Incidence of sudden unexpected death in an adult outpatient cohort with epilepsy at a tertiary referral centre.. Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry, vol.58, no.4, 462-464.

  21. Epilepsy Sander JWAS 69 1997 

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