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Effect of Chia as Breadmaking Ingredient on Nutritional Quality, Mineral Availability, and Glycemic Index of Bread 원문보기

Foods, v.9 no.5, 2020년, pp.663 -   

Miranda-Ramos, Karla (Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology (IATA-CSIC), 46980 Valencia, Spain) ,  Millán-Linares, Ma. Carmen (karla.mirandara@ug.edu.ec) ,  Haros, Claudia Monika (Vegetable Protein Group, Instituto de la Grasa (IG-CSIC), 41013 Seville, Spain)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Chia seeds and chia flour could be used as ingredients to enrich foods owing to their high amount of nutrients. The goal of this investigation was to provide further information about how replacing wheat flour with chia ingredients (seeds, whole flour, semi-defatted, and low-fat flours) affects the ...


참고문헌 (67)

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