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P‐111: Halo guides the design of backlight partition in Mini‐LED Display

Society for Information Display International Symposium digest of technical papers, v.52 no.1, 2021년, pp.1158 - 1161  

Li, Jiaxin (BOE MLED Technology Co., LTD No.8 Xihuanzhonglu, BDA Beijing China) ,  Liu, Hui (BOE MLED Technology Co., LTD No.8 Xihuanzhonglu, BDA Beijing China) ,  Liu, Lijie (BOE MLED Technology Co., LTD No.8 Xihuanzhonglu, BDA Beijing China) ,  Li, Donglei (BOE MLED Technology Co., LTD No.8 Xihuanzhonglu, BDA Beijing China) ,  Yu, Honghao (BOE MLED Technology Co., LTD No.8 Xihuanzhonglu, BDA Beijing China) ,  Jia, Lili (BOE MLED Technology Co., LTD No.8 Xihuanzhonglu, BDA Beijing China) ,  Hao, Yutao (BOE MLED Technology Co., LTD No.8 Xihuanzhonglu, BDA Beijing China) ,  Sun, Haiwei (BOE MLED Technology Co., LTD No.8 Xihuanzhonglu, BDA Beijing China)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Applying high dynamic range(HDR) to mini‐LED backlight is the current research interest of display. The partition control technology for backlight of mini LED is adopted to improve image contrast, however it can not avoid the introduction of halo, which affects the image quality and needs to ...

참고문헌 (9)

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  3. Modern Display Ge Shu 38 2007 

  4. Tan, Guanjun, Huang, Yuge, Li, Ming-Chun, Lee, Seok-Lyul, Wu, Shin-Tson. High dynamic range liquid crystal displays with a mini-LED backlight. Optics express, vol.26, no.13, 16572-.

  5. Hsiang, En-Lin, Huang, Yuge, Yang, Qian, Wu, Shin-Tson. 10‐1: Invited Paper: High Dynamic Range Mini‐LED and Dual‐Cell LCDs. Society for Information Display International Symposium digest of technical papers, vol.51, no.1, 115-118.

  6. Optics Express Guanjun Tan 2018 High dynamic range liquid crystal displays with a mini-LED backlight[J] 

  7. Journal of the Society for Information Display Seong-Eun Kim 1051 2009 17 How to reduce light leakage and clipping in local-dimming liquid-crystal displays[J] 

  8. Huang, Yuge, Tan, Guanjun, Gou, Fangwang, Li, Ming‐Chun, Lee, Seok‐Lyul, Wu, Shin‐Tson. Prospects and challenges of mini‐LED and micro‐LED displays. Journal of the Society for Information Display, vol.27, no.7, 387-401.

  9. Seungwook Cha, Taehyeon Choi, Hoonjae Lee, Sanghoon Sull. An Optimized Backlight Local Dimming Algorithm for Edge-Lit LED Backlight LCDs. Journal of display technology, vol.11, no.4, 378-385.

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