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Sharing Anxiety Is in the Driver’s Seat: Analyzing User Acceptance of Dynamic Ridepooling and Its Implications for Shared Autonomous Mobility 원문보기

Sustainability, v.13 no.14, 2021년, pp.7828 -   

Dolins, Sigma (Mobility and Systems, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Lindholmspiren 3A, 41756 Gö) ,  Strömberg, Helena (teborg, Sweden) ,  Wong, Yale Z. (Design & Human Factors, Chalmers University of Technology, 41296 Gö) ,  Karlsson, MariAnne (teborg, Sweden)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

As connected, electric, and autonomous vehicle (AV) services are developed for cities, the research is conclusive that the use of these services must be shared to achieve maximum efficiency. Yet, few agencies have prioritised designing an AV system that focuses on dynamic ridepooling, and there rema...

참고문헌 (43)

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