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A Study of Media-Conversion Using Webtoon IP : Focused on
웹툰 IP를 활용한 매체 전환 사례 : <신과함께>를 중심으로 원문보기

디지털콘텐츠학회 논문지 = Journal of Digital Contents Society, v.22 no.6, 2021년, pp.923 - 932  

Choi, Su-Yeong

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (37)

  1. Kim Han kyung · Park Ji Won, “Webtoon (K-IP) is a global IP”, Kyobo Securities, P.4, 2021.02. 

  2. Lee Nam Hee, Department of History and Culture: Korean History Research in the Digital Age, pp.26-27, Bookkorea, 2016. 

  3. Jay David Bolter · Lee Jae Hyun, remediation : understanding new media, Communication Books, pp.66-67, 2006. 

  4. Seo, Seongeun. Study on character building strategy of transmedia storytelling - Focusing on the movie “With God” -. 인문콘텐츠 = Humanities contens, vol.2018, no.51, 69-91.

  5. Park Chan Ik, “Successful Case Studies of Media Conversion from Webtoon to Movie - Focusing on the Movie <Along with the God - The Two Worlds>-”, Journal of the Digital Industry Informatics Society 14-2, pp. 61-67, 2018. 

  6. Lee Tae Hoon, “Analysis of popular artistry of film industry on the trend of filming of Webtoon (Focusing on "Along with the Gods(2017)"), Journal of digital convergence 16-5, pp,391-398, 2018. 

  7. Chung Su Hee, “Modern Practical of Traditional Cultural Contents: Focusing on Webtoon〈Together With God -This World-”, The Journal of Culture Contents(2), pp.69-98, 2012. 

  8. CHO HYE-JUNG,. 영화 <신과 함께>의 저승 이미지 연구. 한민족문화연구, vol.67, no.67, 245-278.

  9. Hwang Ye Jin · Jo Yong Sang, “Study on Mordernistic Adaptation of Afterlife-ism that Reflected Traditional Narattive - Focus on the Webtoon·Film<Along with the Gods> -”, International Journal of Glocal Culture 7-2, pp.21-32, 2019. 

  10. 10.47293/ihumjj.2021.30.6 

  11. Kim, Jin-Chul. A Study on the Aspects of Character Storytelling According to the Media Conversion of Webtoon - Focusing on 〈Along with the Gods: The Underworld〉. 만화애니메이션 연구= Cartoon and animation studies, vol.62, 153-182.

  12. Joo Ho Min . “Along with the Gods”, [webtoon], Available: https://comic.naver.com/webtoon/list.nhn?titleId=697685 

  13. Hyun Yong Joon, Jeju Island shamanistic dictionary - Revised Edition , Each, p.188, 2007. 

  14. Lee Eun Bong, Korean view of death, Seoul National University Division , p.159, 2000. 

  15. Kim Tae Hoon, “The Faith of King Si through the View of Death”, Religions of Korea 33, pp. 116-117, 2009. 

  16. Yu, S., Zhao, J., Chen, G., Juay, Y.K., Yong, M.S.. The characteristics of polyamide layered-silicate nanocomposites. Journal of materials processing technology, vol.192, 410-414.

  17. Kim Han Sol, 「A theme park with a godthat can experience hell」, 『Insight』, [NAVER Post], 2020.01.21. Available: https://m.post.naver.com/viewer/postView.nhn?volumeNo=27331558&memberNo=29949587&searchKeyword=%EC%8B%A0%EA%B3%BC%ED%95%A8%EA%BB%98&searchRank=4 

  18. Park Kyung Min, “< With God> started production with China Animation”, KOFICE, 2020.05.12, Available: http://kofice.or.kr/c30correspondent/c30_correspondent_02_view.asp?seq=18444 

  19. VR Ride Film [Vr-Hell-Out-of-Hell With God] Official Trailer, [YouTube], 2019.11.06. Available: https://youtu.be/8rxTSFQzkM8 

  20. Story RPG game 'WITH NABER WEBTOON' with God, [Game], Available: https://m.onestore.co.kr/mobilepoc/apps/appsDetail.omp?prodId=0000718117 

  21. [Reincarnation Shinhwa RPG New World] Pre-Order Promotion Video, [YouTube], 2018.12.20. https://youtu.be/5lb3xgZYb5s 

  22. KBS Radio Theater, “With God”, [Radio], Available: https://program.kbs.co.kr/scr/radio/theater/pc/board.html?smenu=d444c1&bbs_loc=R2002-0238-03-192929,list,none,1,0 

  23. Seoul Performing Arts Company, [Internet] , Available: http://www.spac.or.kr/ 

  24. KOPIS, [Internet] , Available: https://www.kopis.or.kr/por/main/main.do 

  25. Seoul Performing Arts Company, creative dance drama With God: The Other Way, p.23(the writings of the creative staff), 2017. 

  26. Seoul Performing Arts Company, ibid, pp.40-41(Production notes), 2017. 

  27. Kokdu Museum, [Museum/Exhibition] , Available: https://dark669.wixsite.com/kokdumuseum 

  28. korea Manhwa Museum, [Museum/Exhibition] , Available: http://www.komacon.kr/comicsmuseum/ 

  29. Horim Museum, [Museum/Exhibition] , Available: http://horimmuseum.org/sinsa/ 

  30. Daewonsa tibetan Museum, [Museum/Exhibition] , Available: http://www.tibetan-museum.org/ 

  31. KOTE, [Museum/Exhibition] , Available: https://www.kote.kr/ 

  32. Kim Yong Hwa (2017), <Along With the Gods: The Two Worlds>, Real-rise Pictures · Dexter Studios production. 

  33. Kim Yong Hwa (2018), <long with the Gods: The Last 49 Days>, Real-rise Pictures · Dexter Studios production. 

  34. Kofic KOBIS, [Internet] , Available: https://www.kobis.or.kr/kobis/business/main/main.do 

  35. Hwang, Ji Youn. Visual and Acoustic Understanding of Korean Webtoon translated into Chinese Language : A Case Study on Along with the Gods. 일러스트레이션 포럼= Journal of the Korea society of illustration research, vol.57, 97-106.

  36. Kim Hae Rhim, “A Study of Korean-Chinese Translation Strategies in Webtoon Along With the Gods: The Two Worlds”, Interpreting and Translation Studies 23-2, PP.49-70, 2019. 

  37. Yoshiyuki Mkawa (writer) · Joo Ho Min(original) · Lee Hyun Seok (translation), Remake with God 1, Anibooks, p.168, 2014. 

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