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Moisture safety in ventilated cathedral roofs 원문보기

Journal of physics. Conference series, v.2069 no.1, 2021년, pp.012018 -   

Månhardt, G ,  Odén, G ,  Stockhaus, M ,  Wallentén, P

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractCathedral roofs are commonly used when constructing small houses in Sweden. In contrast to roof constructions with a cold attic, where frequent moisture damage has been noted, the cathedral roof is difficult to access for inspection. Furthermore, Swedish building regulations sets high demand...

참고문헌 (13)

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  5. Mundt-Petersen 2016 

  6. Wallenten 2018 

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  9. Sawen 2021 10.1177/1744259120984189 Model of thermal buoyancy in cavity-ventilated roof constructions 

  10. Hagentoft 1991 

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  12. Build. Environ. Thelandersson 65 18 2013 10.1016/j.buildenv.2013.03.016 Mould resistance design (MRD) model for evaluation of risk for microbial growth under varying climate conditions 

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