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Design, synthesis and in vitro evaluation of novel SARS-CoV-2 3CLpro covalent inhibitors 원문보기

European journal of medicinal chemistry, v.229, 2022년, pp.114046 -   

Stille, Julia K. (Department of Chemistry, McGill University) ,  Tjutrins, Jevgenijs (Department of Chemistry, McGill University) ,  Wang, Guanyu (Department of Chemistry, McGill University) ,  Venegas, Felipe A. (Department of Chemistry, McGill University) ,  Hennecker, Christopher (Department of Chemistry, McGill University) ,  Rueda, Andrés M. (Department of Chemistry, McGill University) ,  Sharon, Itai (Department of Biochemistry, McGill University) ,  Blaine, Nicole (Department of Chemistry, McGill University) ,  Miron, Caitlin E. (Department of Chemistry, McGill University) ,  Pinus, Sharon (Department of Chemistry, McGill University) ,  Labarre, Anne (Department of Chemistry, McGill University) ,  Plescia, Jessica (Department of Chemistry, McGill University) ,  Burai Patrascu, Mihai (Department of Chemistry, McGill University) ,  Zhang, Xiaocong (Department of Chemistry, McGill University) ,  Wahba, Alexander S. (Dep) ,  Vlaho, Danielle ,  Huot, Mitchell J. ,  Schmeing, T. Martin ,  Mittermaier, Anthony K. ,  Moitessier, Nicolas

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract Severe diseases such as the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the previous SARS and MERS outbreaks, are the result of coronavirus infections and have demonstrated the urgent need for antiviral drugs to combat these deadly viruses. Due to its essential role in viral replication and func...


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