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Impact of topical emollient, steroids alone or combined with calcipotriol, on the immune infiltrate and clinical outcome in psoriasis 원문보기

Experimental dermatology, v.31 no.11, 2022년, pp.1764 - 1778  

Heim, Marjorie (Centre Mé) ,  Irondelle, Marie (diterrané) ,  Duteil, Luc (en de Mé) ,  Cardot‐Leccia, Nathalie (decine Molé) ,  Rocchi, Stéphane (culaire (C3M), Université) ,  Passeron, Thierry (Cô) ,  Tulic, Meri K. (te d'Azur, Nice, France)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractPsoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease whereby long‐term disease control remains a challenge for the patients. Latest evidence suggests that combined topical treatment with steroids and vitamin D analogue foam (Calcipotriol/Betamethasone) is efficient in long‐term management...


참고문헌 (38)

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