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The use of seat effective amplitude transmissibility (SEAT) values to predict dynamic seat comfort

Journal of sound and vibration, v.260 no.5, 2003년, pp.867 - 888  

van Niekerk, J.L (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Stellenbosch University, Private Bag X1, Matieland 7602, South Africa) ,  Pielemeier, W.J (Ford Research Laboratory, Ford Motor Company, SRL Bldg. Mail Drop 2115, P.O. Box 2053, Dearborn, MI 48121, USA) ,  Greenberg, J.A (Ford Research Laboratory, Ford Motor Company, SRL Bldg. Mail Drop 2115, P.O. Box 2053, Dearborn, MI 48121, USA)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractThe Seat Effective Amplitude Transmissibility (SEAT) value is the ratio of the vibration experienced on top of the seat and the vibration that one would be exposed to when sitting directly on the vibrating floor. SEAT values have been widely used to determine the vibration isolation efficien...

참고문헌 (20)

  1. Griffin 1990 Handbook of Human Vibration 

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  3. J.H. Varterasian, R.R. The dynamic characteristics of automobile seats with human occupants, Thompson, Society of Automotive Engineers, SAE Paper No. 770249, 1977, pp. 1-10. 

  4. International Organisation for Standardization, Guide for the evaluation of human exposure to whole body vibration, ISO 2631, 1976. 

  5. Y. Kozawa, Y. Sugimoto, Y. Suzuki, A new ride comfort meter, Society of Automotive Engineers, SAE Paper No. 860430, 1986, pp. 1-8. 

  6. C.H. Lewis, The implementation of an improved anthropodynamic dummy for testing the vibration isolation of vehicle seats, 33th UK Group Meeting on Human Response to Vibration, Buxton, England, 16-18 September 1998, pp. 1-11. 

  7. Journal of Sound and Vibration Wei 214 1 121 1998 10.1006/jsvi.1998.1540 The prediction of seat transmissibility from measures of seat impedance 

  8. W.J. Pielemeier, J.A. Greenberg, V. Jeyabalan, R.C. Meier, Multi-axial seat vibration transmissibility for three vehicles, 33rd UK Group Meeting on Human Response to Vibration, Buxton, England, 16-18 September 1998, pp. 1-16. 

  9. British Standards Institution, British standard guide to safety aspects of experiments in which people are exposed to mechanical vibration and shock, BS 7085, London, 1989. 

  10. International Organisation for Standardization, Mechanical vibration and shock-guidance on safety aspects of tests and experiments with people, ISO 13090-1, 1998. 

  11. International Organisation for Standardization, Guide for the evaluation of human exposure to whole body vibration, ISO 2631, 1997. 

  12. British Standards Institution, British standard guide to measurement and evaluation of human exposure to whole-body mechanical vibration and repeated shock, BS 6841, London, 1987. 

  13. 10.4271/971979 R.C. Meier, Jr., N.C. Otto, W.J. Pielemeier, V. Jeyabalan, A new tool for the vibration engineer, Proceedings of the 1997 Noise and Vibration Conference, Society of Automotive Engineers, Traverse City, Michigan, SAE Paper No. 97NV106, 1997. 

  14. Bendat 1986 Random data-Analysis and Measurement Procedures 

  15. G.S. Paddan, Prediction of seat effective amplitude transmissibility (SEAT) values for eight alternative car seats, 34th UK Group Meeting on Human Response to Vibration, Ford Motor Company, Dunton, England, 22-24 September 1999, pp. 293-305. 

  16. Ergonomics Ebe 43 6 771 2000 10.1080/001401300404742 Qualitative models of seat discomfort including static and dynamic factors 

  17. Ergonomics Ebe 43 6 791 2000 10.1080/001401300404751 Quantitative prediction of overall seat discomfort 

  18. W.J. Pielemeier, V. Jeyabalan, R.C. Meier, N.C. Otto, Just noticeable differences in vertical vibration for subjects on an automobile seat, 32nd UK Group Meeting on Human Response to Vibration, University of Southampton, England, 17-19 September 1997, pp. 333-344. 

  19. Applied Ergonomics Mansfield 31 3 255 2000 10.1016/S0003-6870(99)00054-X Difference thresholds for automobile seat vibration 

  20. Stark 1986 Probability, Random, and Estimation Theory for Engineers 

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