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Tire wear by ablation

Wear: An international journal on the science and technology of friction, lubrication and wear, v.24 no.2, 1973년, pp.161 - 176  

Saibel, E.A. ,  Tsai, C.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The transient temperature profile of a slipping tire is calculated by taking into account the frictional heating due to slip, temperature build-up due to hysteresis, convection and radiation loss into the air, and conduction cooling into the ground. Specific attention is directed to the calculation ...

참고문헌 (20)

  1. Rubber Chem. Technol. Gehman 28 508 1955 10.5254/1.3542812 

  2. Rubber Chem. Technol. Biard 26 731 1953 10.5254/1.3539855 

  3. Wear Archard 2 438 10.1016/0043-1648(59)90159-0 

  4. Rubber Chem. Technol. Ozer 42 1087 1969 10.5254/1.3539281 

  5. Dawson 508 1935 Rubber Physicaz and Chemical Properties 

  6. D. S. McRae, NASA SP-5073, p. 165. 

  7. Wear Grosch 4 356 1961 10.1016/0043-1648(61)90003-5 

  8. Carslow 88 1959 Conduction of Heat in Solids 

  9. Bulgen 1967 Fifth Intern. Rubber Technol. Conf. 

  10. Rubber Chem. Technol. Viehmann 31 925 1959 10.5254/1.3542353 

  11. J. IRI Schallamach 1 1 11 1967 

  12. Quart. Appl. Maths. Jaeger 11 132 1953 10.1090/qam/99981 

  13. Rubber Chem. Technol. Conant 44 397 1971 10.5254/1.3547374 

  14. Trivisonno 1970 paper presented at SAE mid-year meeting SAE paper no. 700474 

  15. Wear Kraghelskii 8 303 1965 10.1016/0043-1648(65)90005-0 

  16. Davisson 1969 SAE No. SP-344 Design and Application of Commercial Type Tires 

  17. Conley 189 1970 Thermal Stability of Polymers 

  18. Brunner 5 1938 Deutsch Kraftfahrtforschung 

  19. Brunner 17 1938 Deutsch Kraftfahrtforschung 

  20. Brunner 18 1938 Deutsch Kraftfahrtforschung 

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