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Comparative study and improvement of current cell micro-patterning techniques

Lab on a chip, v.7 no.6, 2007년, pp.672 - 680  

Fink, Jenny (Biologie du cycle cellulaire et de la motilité) ,  Théry, Manuel ,  Azioune, Ammar (CEA) ,  Dupont, Raphael (Biologie du cycle cellulaire et de la motilité) ,  Chatelain, François ,  Bornens, Michel (CEA) ,  Piel, Matthieu (CEA)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The original micropatterning technique on gold, although very efficient, is not accessible to most biology labs and is not compatible with their techniques for image acquisition. Other solutions have been developed on silanized glass coverslips. These methods are still hardly accessible to biology l...

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