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National Forest Management and Private Land Development: Historical, Political, and Planning Considerations

Society & natural resources, v.23 no.7, 2010년, pp.669 - 678  

Nie, Martin ,  Miller, Char

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (42)

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  39. USDA Forest Service . 2007a . Four threats to the health of the nation's forests and grasslands.http://www.fs.fed.us/projects/four-threats(accessed 7 February 2007). 

  40. USDA Forest Service . 2007b . Landscape change integrated program.http://www.ncrs.fs.fed.us/IntegratedPrograms/lc(accessed 9 February 2007). 

  41. USDA Forest Service . 2007c . Forest Service open space conservation strategy.http://www.fs.fed.us/openspace/OS_Strategy_final_web.pdf(accessed 11 April 2008). 

  42. An alternative path to grizzly recovery in the lower 48 states Wilcox L. 2004 

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