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UGR(Unified Clare Rating)의 보정 및 불쾌글레어 주관평가를 위한 실험적 연구

大韓建築學會論文集 : Journal of the architectural institute of Korea : Planning & design / 計劃系, v.19 no.7 = no.177, 2003년, pp.189 - 195  


AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Glare in one of the major factors influencing comfort appraisal for lighting. Although a predictive formula for such glare has been proposed by CIE, it has not been investigated for domestic adjustment. The correlation between glare and the closely related dazzling-sensation has not been investigated enough. In the study, subjective discomfort glare appraisal and dazzling-sensation appraisal for discomfort glare was performed to produce a corrected UGR formula. Analyses between appraisal for dazzling-sensation and results of subjective appraisal for discomfort glare were performed to produce a formula that could represent the correlation between discomfort glare and dazzling-sensation. The results of the comparison and analysis is that results computed by UGR differed from those of subjective perception, so a corrected UGR formula and corrected glare index and dazzling-sensation was produced. Also, a formula that could represent the state of dazzling-sensation verying with change of luminance was produce.

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