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Control of a wide range of storage rots in naturally infected apples by hot-water dipping and rinsing

Postharvest biology and technology, v.70, 2012년, pp.25 - 31  

Maxin, Peter (Department of Food Science, Aarhus University, Kirstinebjergvej 10, 5792 Aarslev, Denmark) ,  Weber, Roland W.S. (Esteburg Fruit Research and Advisory Centre, Moorende 53, 21635 Jork, Germany) ,  Pedersen, Hanne Lindhard (Department of Food Science, Aarhus University, Kirstinebjergvej 10, 5792 Aarslev, Denmark) ,  Williams, Michelle (Department of Food Science, Aarhus University, Kirstinebjergvej 10, 5792 Aarslev, Denmark)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Highlights► Dipping of apples in hot-water reduces the development of storage rot. ► A wide range of spoilage fungi can be controlled by hot-water dipping. ► A brief rinse of apples in hot-water is also effective against fungal storage diseases. ► Hot-water rinsing do...


참고문헌 (37)

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