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Development of a fully automatic shape model matching (FASMM) system to derive statistical shape models from radiographs: application to the accurate capture and global representation of proximal femur shape 원문보기

Osteoarthritis and cartilage, v.21 no.10, 2013년, pp.1537 - 1544  

The arcOGEN Consortium ,  Lindner, C. ,  Thiagarajah, S. ,  Wilkinson, J.M. ,  Wallis, G.A. ,  Cootes, T.F.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Objective: To evaluate the accuracy and sensitivity of a fully automatic shape model matching (FASMM) system to derive statistical shape models (SSMs) of the proximal femur from non-standardised anteroposterior (AP) pelvic radiographs. Design: AP pelvic radiographs obtained with informed consent and...


참고문헌 (21)

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  14. Hip Int Thiagarajah 3 23 330 2013 10.5301/hipint.5000022 Quantifying the characteristics of the acetabulum and proximal femur using a semi-automated hip morphology software programme (SHIPS) 

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  19. Arthritis Rheum Doherty 58 10 3172 2008 10.1002/art.23939 Nonspherical femoral head shape (pistol grip deformity), neck shaft angle, and risk of hip osteoarthritis: a case-control study 

  20. Lindner 69 2011 Proceedings of the 15th Conference on Medical Image Understanding and Analysis Short-term variability of proximal femur shape in anteroposterior pelvic radiographs 

  21. The Lancet Bijlsma 377 9783 2115 2011 10.1016/S0140-6736(11)60243-2 Osteoarthritis: an update with relevance for clinical practice 

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