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Geosynthetic Reinforcement of Sand-Mat Layer above Soft Ground 원문보기

Materials, v.6 no.11, 2013년, pp.5314 - 5334  

Park, Jong-Beom (Shinmyeong Construction Engineering Co., Ltd.) ,  Park, Hyun-Soo (Suncheon 540-080, Korea) ,  Kim, Daehyeon (E-Mail: bankgeo@hanmail.net)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In order to improve the bearing capacity of soft ground for the purpose of getting trafficability of construction vehicles, the reinforcement of geosynthetics for sand-mat layers on soft ground has often been used. As the strength of the geosynthetics increases, and the sand-mat system becomes stron...


참고문헌 (16)

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  3. 3. Hirao K. Yasuhara K. Takaoka K. Nishimura J. Tananbashi Y. Laboratory Model Tests on the Application of Composite Fabrics to Soft Clay Ground Earth Reinforcement, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Earth Reinforcement Fukuoka, Japan 11–13 November 1992 601 606 

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  7. 7. Ju J.W. Park H.S. Park J.B. Na H.H. Lee M.H. Experimental Study about Effectiveness of Sand Mat Using Sand Ground Proceedings of the Geosynthetics Fall Conference Suncheon, Korea 27–28 November 2009 81 88 

  8. 8. Ju J.W. Seo K.W. Jang M.H. Song C.S. Park J.B. Load Dispersion Angle of Soft Ground by Geosynthetics and Sand-Mat Proceedings of the Korean Society of Civil Engineers Conference Pyeongchang, Korea 21–22 December 2004 1685 1689 

  9. 9. Yang T.S. Kim B.H. A study on applicability of soil strength for surface treatment J. Korean Geosynth. Soc. 2005 4 45 52 

  10. 10. Park J.J. Kim S.H. Shin E.C. Case history of sea dyke construction using geotextile mat J. Korean Geosynth. Soc. 2008 7 7 13 

  11. 11. Ham T.G. Seo S.G. Cho S.D. Yang G.S. You S.K. Characteristics of settlement for non-woven geotextile through cyclic loading model test J. Korean Geosynth. Soc. 2009 8 11 20 

  12. 12. Ham T.G. Cho S.D. Yang G.S. You S.K. A study on the improving effects of the bearing capacity of very soft ground by restricting conditions of reinforcement J. Korean Geosynth. Soc. 2008 7 41 49 

  13. 13. Ju J.W. Jang M.H. Park J.B. Lee Y.G. Roh H.S. Bearing Capacity of Soft Ground Reinforced by Geosynthetics and Sand Mat Proceedings of the Korean Society of Civil Engineers Conference Daegu, Korea 24–25 October 2003 2163 3169 

  14. 14. Ahn D.H. Yoo S.K. An analytical study on bearing mechanism of very soft ground covered with geotextile by effects of friction between ground and geotextile J. Korean Geosynth. Soc. 2010 9 47 55 

  15. 15. Jun S.H. Lee J.H. Yoo N.J. Centrifuge model tests on trafficability of very soft ground treated with geotextile and sand mat J. Korean Geotech. Soc. 2010 26 13 23 

  16. 16. Terzaghi K. Theoretical Soil Mechanics John Wiley & Sons Hoboken, NJ, USA 1943 

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