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Quercetin-3-O-rhamnoside from Euphorbia hirta protects against snake Venom induced toxicity

Biochimica et biophysica acta, General subjects, v.1860 no.7, 2016년, pp.1528 - 1540  

Gopi, K. ,  Anbarasu, K. ,  Renu, K. ,  Jayanthi, S. ,  Vishwanath, B.S. ,  Jayaraman, G.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Background: The plant Euphorbia hirta is widely used against snake envenomations in rural areas and it was proved to be effective in animal models. Therefore, the scientific validation of its phytoconstituents for their antiophidian activity is aimed in the present study. Methods: E. hirta extract w...


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