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Chromate adsorption mechanism on nanodiamond-derived onion-like carbon

Journal of hazardous materials, v.320, 2016년, pp.368 - 375  

Ko, Y.J. ,  Choi, K. ,  Lee, S. ,  Cho, J.M. ,  Choi, H.J. ,  Hong, S.W. ,  Choi, J.W. ,  Mizuseki, H. ,  Lee, W.S.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The onion-like carbon (OLC) was prepared as adsorbent and tested for the removal of chromate ions from aqueous solutions. The OLC was thermally derived from nanodiamond by vacuum annealing at 1000-2000 degrees C. An investigation was conducted the chromate adsorption mechanism of OLC, by analysing t...


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