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Complete chloroplast genome sequences of Solanum commersonii and its application to chloroplast genotype in somatic hybrids with Solanum tuberosum

Plant cell reports, v.35 no.10, 2016년, pp.2113 - 2123  

Cho, Kwang-Soo ,  Cheon, Kyeong-Sik ,  Hong, Su-Young ,  Cho, Ji-Hong ,  Im, Ju-Seong ,  Mekapogu, Manjulatha ,  Yu, Yei-Soo ,  Park, Tae-Ho

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Chloroplast genome of Solanum commersonii and S olanum tuberosum were completely sequenced, and Indel markers were successfully applied to distinguish chlorotypes demonstrating the chloroplast genome was randomly distributed during protoplast fusion. Somatic hybridization has been widely employed fo...

참고문헌 (51)

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