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The mechanisms of Large Stokes Shift and Fluorescence Quantum Yields in anilino substituted Rhodamine analogue: TICT and PICT

Computational & theoretical chemistry, v.1095, 2016년, pp.44 - 53  

Zhang, Z. ,  Zhang, G. ,  Wang, J. ,  Sun, S. ,  Zhang, Z.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

An anilino substituted rhodamine analogue named 9-(2'-carboxyphenyl)-6-(N,N-diethylamino)-4-(n-phenyl-methanamine)-1,2,3-trihydroxanthylium (1) is investigated by DFT/TDDFT approaches to map its Large Stokes Shift (LSS) and Fluorescence Quantum Yields (FQY) mechanisms. According to PES analysis, bot...


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