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A thermoelectric generator for scavenging gas-heat: From module optimization to prototype test

Energy : technologies, resources, reserves, demands, impact, conservation, management, policy, v.121, 2017년, pp.545 - 560  

Cheng, Fuqiang (Key Laboratory of Fault Diagnosis and Maintenance of In-orbit Spacecraft, China Xi’an Satellite Control Center, Xi’an, 710043, China) ,  Hong, Yanji (Equipment Academy, Beijing, 101416, China) ,  Li, Weiping (Key Laboratory of Fault Diagnosis and Maintenance of In-orbit Spacecraft, China Xi’an Satellite Control Center, Xi’an, 710043, China) ,  Guo, Xiaohong (Key Laboratory of Fault Diagnosis and Maintenance of In-orbit Spacecraft, China Xi’an Satellite Control Center, Xi’an, 710043, China) ,  Zhang, Hailong (Key Laboratory of Fault Diagnosis and Maintenance of In-orbit Spacecraft, China Xi’an Satellite Control Center, Xi’an, 710043, China) ,  Fu, Feng (Key Laboratory of Fault Diagnosis and Maintenance of In-orbit Spacecraft, China Xi’an Satellite Control Center, Xi’an, 710043, China) ,  Feng, Bingqing (Key Laboratory of Fault Diagnosis and Maintenance of In-orbit Spacecraft, China Xi’an Satellite Control Center, Xi’an, 710043, China) ,  Wang, Gang (Key Laboratory of Fault Diagnosis and Maintenance of In-orbit Spacecraft, China Xi’an Satellite Control Center, Xi’an,) ,  Wang, Chao ,  Qin, Haibing

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract Scramjets of hypersonic vehicles feature huge heat flux inside which can be harvested by thermoelectric devices as auxiliary power source. As a preliminary study to support scramjet-based thermoelectric generation, some work focusing on enhancing output power of thermoelectric generators (...


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