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Comparative genome analysis of the Flavobacteriales bacterium strain UJ101, isolated from the gut of Atergatis reticulatus 원문보기

The journal of microbiology, v.55 no.7, 2017년, pp.583 - 591  

Yang, Jhung-Ahn ,  Yang, Sung-Hyun ,  Kim, Junghee ,  Kwon, Kae Kyoung ,  Oh, Hyun-Myung

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Here we report the comparative genomic analysis of strain UJ101 with 15 strains from the family Flavobacteriaceae, using the CGExplorer program. Flavobacteriales bacterium strain UJ101 was isolated from a xanthid crab, Atergatis reticulatus, from the East Sea near Korea. The complete genome of strai...

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