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Flexible Graphene-Based Wearable Gas and Chemical Sensors

ACS applied materials & interfaces, v.9 no.40, 2017년, pp.34544 - 34586  

Singh, Eric (Department of Computer Science, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305,) ,  Meyyappan, M. (Center for Nanotechnology, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California 94035,) ,  Nalwa, Hari Singh (Advanced Technology Research, 26650 The Old Road, Valencia, California 91381,)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Wearable electronics is expected to be one of the most active research areas in the next decade; therefore, nanomaterials possessing high carrier mobility, optical transparency, mechanical robustness and flexibility, lightweight, and environmental stability will be in immense demand. Graphene is one...


참고문헌 (480)

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  91. Wu, Junbo, Agrawal, Mukul, Becerril, HéctorA., Bao, Zhenan, Liu, Zunfeng, Chen, Yongsheng, Peumans, Peter. Organic Light-Emitting Diodes on Solution-ProcessedGraphene Transparent Electrodes. ACS nano, vol.4, no.1, 43-48.

  92. Zhang, Zhikun, Du, Jinhong, Zhang, Dingdong, Sun, Hengda, Yin, Lichang, Ma, Laipeng, Chen, Jiangshan, Ma, Dongge, Cheng, Hui-Ming, Ren, Wencai. Rosin-enabled ultraclean and damage-free transfer of graphene for large-area flexible organic light-emitting diodes. Nature communications, vol.8, 14560-.

  93. Xu, Yilin, Yu, Haojian, Wang, Cong, Cao, Jin, Chen, Yigang, Ma, Zhongquan, You, Ying, Wan, Jixiang, Fang, Xiaohong, Chen, Xiaoyuan. Multilayer Graphene with Chemical Modification as Transparent Conducting Electrodes in Organic Light-Emitting Diode. Nanoscale research letters, vol.12, no.1, 254-.

  94. Qiu, Tengfei, Luo, Bin, Liang, Minghui, Ning, Jing, Wang, Bin, Li, Xianglong, Zhi, Linjie. Hydrogen reduced graphene oxide/metal grid hybrid film: towards high performance transparent conductive electrode for flexible electrochromic devices. Carbon, vol.81, 232-238.

  95. Ahn, Jong-Hyun, Hong, Byung Hee. Graphene for displays that bend. Nature nanotechnology, vol.9, no.10, 737-738.

  96. Sun, G., An, J., Chua, C.K., Pang, H., Zhang, J., Chen, P.. Layer-by-layer printing of laminated graphene-based interdigitated microelectrodes for flexible planar micro-supercapacitors. Electrochemistry communications, vol.51, 33-36.

  97. Ramadoss, Ananthakumar, Yoon, Ki-Yong, Kwak, Myung-Jun, Kim, Sun-I., Ryu, Seung-Tak, Jang, Ji-Hyun. Fully flexible, lightweight, high performance all-solid-state supercapacitor based on 3-Dimensional-graphene/graphite-paper. Journal of power sources, vol.337, 159-165.

  98. Liu, Lili, Niu, Zhiqiang, Zhang, Li, Zhou, Weiya, Chen, Xiaodong, Xie, Sishen. Nanostructured Graphene Composite Papers for Highly Flexible and Foldable Supercapacitors. Advanced materials, vol.26, no.28, 4855-4862.

  99. Li, Ning, Lv, Tian, Yao, Li, Huili, Liu, Kai, Chen, Tao. Compact graphene/MoS2composite films for highly flexible and stretchable all-solid-state supercapacitors. Journal of materials chemistry. A, Materials for energy and sustainability, vol.5, no.7, 3267-3273.

  100. Yin, Zongyou, Sun, Shuangyong, Salim, Teddy, Wu, Shixin, Huang, Xiao, He, Qiyuan, Lam, Yeng Ming, Zhang, Hua. Organic Photovoltaic Devices Using Highly Flexible Reduced Graphene Oxide Films as Transparent Electrodes. ACS nano, vol.4, no.9, 5263-5268.

  101. Konios, Dimitrios, Petridis, Constantinos, Kakavelakis, George, Sygletou, Maria, Savva, Kyriaki, Stratakis, Emmanuel, Kymakis, Emmanuel. Reduced Graphene Oxide Micromesh Electrodes for Large Area, Flexible, Organic Photovoltaic Devices. Advanced functional materials, vol.25, no.15, 2213-2221.

  102. YoonThese authors contributed equally to this work., Jungjin, Sung, Hyangki, Lee, Gunhee, Cho, Woohyung, Ahn, Namyoung, Jung, Hyun Suk, Choi, Mansoo. Superflexible, high-efficiency perovskite solar cells utilizing graphene electrodes: towards future foldable power sources. Energy & environmental science, vol.10, no.1, 337-345.

  103. Baker, Jennifer A., Worsley, Carys, Lee, Harrison K. H., Clark, Ronald N., Tsoi, Wing C., Williams, Geraint, Worsley, David A., Gethin, David T., Watson, Trystan M.. Development of Graphene Nano‐Platelet Ink for High Voltage Flexible Dye Sensitized Solar Cells with Cobalt Complex Electrolytes. Advanced engineering materials, vol.19, no.3, 1600652-.

  104. Yang, Jun, Ran, Qincui, Wei, Dapeng, Sun, Tai, Yu, Leyong, Song, Xuefen, Pu, Lichun, Shi, Haofei, Du, Chunlei. Three-dimensional conformal graphene microstructure for flexible and highly sensitive electronic skin. Nanotechnology, vol.28, no.11, 115501-.

  105. Torres Alonso, Elias, Karkera, George, Jones, Gareth F., Craciun, Monica F., Russo, Saverio. Homogeneously Bright, Flexible, and Foldable Lighting Devices with Functionalized Graphene Electrodes. ACS applied materials & interfaces, vol.8, no.26, 16541-16545.

  106. Ryu, Jaechul, Kim, Youngsoo, Won, Dongkwan, Kim, Nayoung, Park, Jin Sung, Lee, Eun-Kyu, Cho, Donyub, Cho, Sung-Pyo, Kim, Sang Jin, Ryu, Gyeong Hee, Shin, Hae-A-Seul, Lee, Zonghoon, Hong, Byung Hee, Cho, Seungmin. Fast Synthesis of High-Performance Graphene Films by Hydrogen-Free Rapid Thermal Chemical Vapor Deposition. ACS nano, vol.8, no.1, 950-956.

  107. Liang, Jiajie, Li, Lu, Tong, Kwing, Ren, Zhi, Hu, Wei, Niu, Xiaofan, Chen, Yongsheng, Pei, Qibing. Silver Nanowire Percolation Network Soldered with Graphene Oxide at Room Temperature and Its Application for Fully Stretchable Polymer Light-Emitting Diodes. ACS nano, vol.8, no.2, 1590-1600.

  108. Huang, Lu, Huang, Yi, Liang, Jiajie, Wan, Xiangjian, Chen, Yongsheng. Graphene-based conducting inks for direct inkjet printing of flexible conductive patterns and their applications in electric circuits and chemical sensors. Nano research, vol.4, no.7, 675-684.

  109. Li, Wenbo, Li, Fengyu, Li, Huizeng, Su, Meng, Gao, Meng, Li, Yanan, Su, Dan, Zhang, Xingye, Song, Yanlin. Flexible Circuits and Soft Actuators by Printing Assembly of Graphene. ACS applied materials & interfaces, vol.8, no.19, 12369-12376.

  110. Yang, Jun, Wei, Dapeng, Tang, Linlong, Song, Xuefen, Luo, Wei, Chu, Jin, Gao, Tianpeng, Shi, Haofei, Du, Chunlei. Wearable temperature sensor based on graphene nanowalls. RSC advances, vol.5, no.32, 25609-25615.

  111. Cheng, Yin, Wang, Ranran, Sun, Jing, Gao, Lian. A Stretchable and Highly Sensitive Graphene‐Based Fiber for Sensing Tensile Strain, Bending, and Torsion. Advanced materials, vol.27, no.45, 7365-7371.

  112. Singh, E.; Meyyappan, M.; Nalwa, H. S.InNanomaterials based Flexible and Multifunctional Sensors;Singh, E.; Nalwa, H. S., Eds.American Scientific Publishers:Los Angeles, 2018; pp1-50. 

  113. Ren, Jiesheng, Wang, Chaoxia, Zhang, Xuan, Carey, Tian, Chen, Kunlin, Yin, Yunjie, Torrisi, Felice. Environmentally-friendly conductive cotton fabric as flexible strain sensor based on hot press reduced graphene oxide. Carbon, vol.111, 622-630.

  114. Liu, Ying, Tao, Lu-Qi, Wang, Dan-Yang, Zhang, Tian-Yu, Yang, Yi, Ren, Tian-Ling. Flexible, highly sensitive pressure sensor with a wide range based on graphene-silk network structure. Applied physics letters, vol.110, no.12, 123508-.

  115. Yasaei, Poya, Kumar, Bijandra, Hantehzadeh, Reza, Kayyalha, Morteza, Baskin, Artem, Repnin, Nikita, Wang, Canhui, Klie, Robert F., Chen, Yong P., Král, Petr, Salehi-Khojin, Amin. Chemical sensing with switchable transport channels in graphene grain boundaries. Nature communications, vol.5, 4911-.

  116. Kim, Minsu, Kang, Pilgyu, Leem, Juyoung, Nam, SungWoo. A stretchable crumpled graphene photodetector with plasmonically enhanced photoresponsivity. Nanoscale, vol.9, no.12, 4058-4065.

  117. Wang, Zhenxing, Shaygan, Mehrdad, Otto, Martin, Schall, Daniel, Neumaier, Daniel. Flexible Hall sensors based on graphene. Nanoscale, vol.8, no.14, 7683-7687.

  118. Tao, Lu-Qi, Tian, He, Liu, Ying, Ju, Zhen-Yi, Pang, Yu, Chen, Yuan-Quan, Wang, Dan-Yang, Tian, Xiang-Guang, Yan, Jun-Chao, Deng, Ning-Qin, Yang, Yi, Ren, Tian-Ling. An intelligent artificial throat with sound-sensing ability based on laser induced graphene. Nature communications, vol.8, 14579-.

  119. Fan, Z., Liu, B., Liu, X., Li, Z., Wang, H., Yang, S., Wang, J.. A flexible and disposable hybrid electrode based on Cu nanowires modified graphene transparent electrode for non-enzymatic glucose sensor. Electrochimica acta, vol.109, 602-608.

  120. Singhal, Akshay V., Charaya, Hemant, Lahiri, Indranil. Noble Metal Decorated Graphene-Based Gas Sensors and Their Fabrication: A Review. Critical reviews in solid state and materials sciences, vol.42, no.6, 499-526.

  121. Wang, Tao, Huang, Da, Yang, Zhi, Xu, Shusheng, He, Guili, Li, Xiaolin, Hu, Nantao, Yin, Guilin, He, Dannong, Zhang, Liying. A Review on Graphene-Based Gas/Vapor Sensors with Unique Properties and Potential Applications. Nano-micro letters, vol.8, no.2, 95-119.

  122. Some, Surajit, Xu, Yang, Kim, Youngmin, Yoon, Yeoheung, Qin, Hongyi, Kulkarni, Atul, Kim, Taesung, Lee, Hyoyoung. Highly Sensitive and Selective Gas Sensor Using Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Graphenes. Scientific reports, vol.3, 1868-.

  123. Rumyantsev, Sergey, Liu, Guanxiong, Shur, Michael S., Potyrailo, Radislav A., Balandin, Alexander A.. Selective Gas Sensing with a Single Pristine Graphene Transistor. Nano letters : a journal dedicated to nanoscience and nanotechnology, vol.12, no.5, 2294-2298.

  124. Recent progress in applications of graphene oxide for gas sensing: A review. Analytica chimica acta : an international journal devoted to all branches of analytical chemistry, vol.878, 43-53.

  125. Graphene-based hybrids for chemiresistive gas sensors. Trends in analytical chemistry : TrAC, vol.68, 37-47.

  126. Varghese, S.S., Lonkar, S., Singh, K.K., Swaminathan, S., Abdala, A.. Recent advances in graphene based gas sensors. Sensors and actuators. B, Chemical, vol.218, 160-183.

  127. Schedin, F., Geim, A. K., Morozov, S. V., Hill, E. W., Blake, P., Katsnelson, M. I., Novoselov, K. S.. Detection of individual gas molecules adsorbed on graphene. Nature materials, vol.6, no.9, 652-655.

  128. Shen, Jianhua, Zhu, Yihua, Yang, Xiaoling, Li, Chunzhong. Graphene quantum dots: emergent nanolights for bioimaging, sensors, catalysis and photovoltaic devices. Chemical communications : Chem comm, vol.48, no.31, 3686-3699.

  129. Ko, G., Kim, H.Y., Ahn, J., Park, Y.M., Lee, K.Y., Kim, J.. Graphene-based nitrogen dioxide gas sensors. Current applied physics : the official journal of the Korean Physical Society, vol.10, no.4, 1002-1004.

  130. Basu, S., Bhattacharyya, P.. Recent developments on graphene and graphene oxide based solid state gas sensors. Sensors and actuators. B, Chemical, vol.173, 1-21.

  131. Ben Aziza, Zeineb, Zhang, Qing, Baillargeat, Dominique. Graphene/mica based ammonia gas sensors. Applied physics letters, vol.105, no.25, 254102-.

  132. Jung, Min Wook, Myung, Sung, Song, Wooseok, Kang, Min-A, Kim, Sung Ho, Yang, Cheol-Soo, Lee, Sun Sook, Lim, Jongsun, Park, Chong-Yun, Lee, Jeong-O, An, Ki-Seok. Novel Fabrication of Flexible Graphene-Based Chemical Sensors with Heaters using Soft Lithographic Patterning Method. ACS applied materials & interfaces, vol.6, no.16, 13319-13323.

  133. Cooper, James S., Myers, Mathew, Chow, Edith, Hubble, Lee J., Cairney, Julie M., Pejcic, Bobby, Müller, Karl-H., Wieczorek, Lech, Raguse, Burkhard. Performance of graphene, carbon nanotube, and gold nanoparticle chemiresistor sensors for the detection of petroleum hydrocarbons in water. Journal of nanoparticle research : an interdisciplinary forum for nanoscale science and technology, vol.16, no.1, 2173-.

  134. Han, Tae Hee, Huang, Yi-Kai, Tan, Alvin T. L., Dravid, Vinayak P., Huang, Jiaxing. Steam Etched Porous Graphene Oxide Network for Chemical Sensing. Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol.133, no.39, 15264-15267.

  135. Lu, Ganhua, Ocola, Leonidas E, Chen, Junhong. Reduced graphene oxide for room-temperature gas sensors. Nanotechnology, vol.20, no.44, 445502-.

  136. Dan, Yaping, Lu, Ye, Kybert, Nicholas J., Luo, Zhengtang, Johnson, A. T. Charlie. Intrinsic Response of Graphene Vapor Sensors. Nano letters : a journal dedicated to nanoscience and nanotechnology, vol.9, no.4, 1472-1475.

  137. Lu, Ye, Goldsmith, B. R., Kybert, N. J., Johnson, A. T. C.. DNA-decorated graphene chemical sensors. Applied physics letters, vol.97, no.8, 083107-.

  138. Ratinac, Kyle R., Yang, Wenrong, Ringer, Simon P., Braet, Filip. Toward Ubiquitous Environmental Gas Sensors?Capitalizing on the Promise of Graphene. Environmental science & technology, vol.44, no.4, 1167-1176.

  139. Jiang, Zaixing, Wang, Jiajun, Meng, Linghui, Huang, Yudong, Liu, Li. A highly efficient chemical sensor material for ethanol: Al2O3/Graphene nanocomposites fabricated from graphene oxide. Chemical communications : Chem comm, vol.47, no.22, 6350-6352.

  140. Song, Hongjie, Zhang, Lichun, He, Chunlan, Qu, Ying, Tian, Yunfei, Lv, Yi. Graphene sheets decorated with SnO2 nanoparticles: in situ synthesis and highly efficient materials for cataluminescence gas sensors. Journal of materials chemistry, vol.21, no.16, 5972-5977.

  141. Lu, Ganhua, Park, Sungjin, Yu, Kehan, Ruoff, Rodney S., Ocola, Leonidas E., Rosenmann, Daniel, Chen, Junhong. Toward Practical Gas Sensing with Highly Reduced Graphene Oxide: A New Signal Processing Method To Circumvent Run-to-Run and Device-to-Device Variations. ACS nano, vol.5, no.2, 1154-1164.

  142. Lin, Q., Li, Y., Yang, M.. Tin oxide/graphene composite fabricated via a hydrothermal method for gas sensors working at room temperature. Sensors and actuators. B, Chemical, vol.173, 139-147.

  143. Yuan, Wenjing, Shi, Gaoquan. Graphene-based gas sensors. Journal of materials chemistry. A, Materials for energy and sustainability, vol.1, no.35, 10078-.

  144. Wu, Z., Chen, X., Zhu, S., Zhou, Z., Yao, Y., Quan, W., Liu, B.. Enhanced sensitivity of ammonia sensor using graphene/polyaniline nanocomposite. Sensors and actuators. B, Chemical, vol.178, 485-493.

  145. Choi, Sun-Woo, Kim, Jaeseong, Byun, Young Tae. Highly sensitive and selective NO2 detection by Pt nanoparticles-decorated single-walled carbon nanotubes and the underlying sensing mechanism. Sensors and actuators. B, Chemical, vol.238, 1032-1042.

  146. Lu, Yijang, Meyyappan, M., Li, Jing. Fabrication of carbon-nanotube-based sensor array and interference study. Journal of materials research, vol.26, no.16, 2017-2023.

  147. Li, J., Lu, Y., Ye, Q., Cinke, M., Han, J., Meyyappan, M.. Carbon Nanotube Sensors for Gas and Organic Vapor Detection. Nano letters : a journal dedicated to nanoscience and nanotechnology, vol.3, no.7, 929-933.

  148. Li, Jing, Lu, Yijiang, Ye, Qi, Delzeit, Lance, Meyyappan, M.. A Gas Sensor Array Using Carbon Nanotubes and Microfabrication Technology. Electrochemical and solid-state letters, vol.8, no.11, H100-.

  149. Lu, Y., Partridge, C., Meyyappan, M., Li, J.. A carbon nanotube sensor array for sensitive gas discrimination using principal component analysis. Journal of electroanalytical chemistry, vol.593, no.1, 105-110.

  150. Yang, Wei, Gan, Lin, Li, Huiqiao, Zhai, Tianyou. Two-dimensional layered nanomaterials for gas-sensing applications. Inorganic chemistry frontiers : an international journal of inorganic chemistry, vol.3, no.4, 433-451.

  151. Donarelli, M., Prezioso, S., Perrozzi, F., Bisti, F., Nardone, M., Giancaterini, L., Cantalini, C., Ottaviano, L.. Response to NO2 and other gases of resistive chemically exfoliated MoS2-based gas sensors. Sensors and actuators. B, Chemical, vol.207, no.1, 602-613.

  152. Urasinska-Wojcik, Barbara, Vincent, Timothy A., Chowdhury, Mohamed F., Gardner, Julian W.. Ultrasensitive WO3 gas sensors for NO2 detection in air and low oxygen environment. Sensors and actuators. B, Chemical, vol.239, 1051-1059.

  153. Perrozzi, F., Emamjomeh, S.M., Paolucci, V., Taglieri, G., Ottaviano, L., Cantalini, C.. Thermal stability of WS2 flakes and gas sensing properties of WS2/WO3 composite to H2, NH3 and NO2. Sensors and actuators. B, Chemical, vol.243, 812-822.

  154. Khan, Asif Ali, Ahmad, Rais, Zeeshan, Mohd.. Comparative sensing of aldehyde and ammonia vapours on synthetic polypyrrole-Sn(IV)arsenotungstate nanocomposite cation exchange material. Analytical chemistry research, vol.12, 52-64.

  155. Ricciardella, F., Massera, E., Polichetti, T., Miglietta, M. L., Di Francia, G.. A calibrated graphene-based chemi-sensor for sub parts-per-million NO2 detection operating at room temperature. Applied physics letters, vol.104, no.18, 183502-.

  156. Deng, Suzi, Tjoa, Verawati, Fan, Hai Ming, Tan, Hui Ru, Sayle, Dean C., Olivo, Malini, Mhaisalkar, Subodh, Wei, Jun, Sow, Chorng Haur. Reduced Graphene OxideConjugated Cu2ONanowire Mesocrystals for High-Performance NO2 Gas Sensor. Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol.134, no.10, 4905-4917.

  157. Su, P.G., Shieh, H.C.. Flexible NO2 sensors fabricated by layer-by-layer covalent anchoring and in situ reduction of graphene oxide. Sensors and actuators. B, Chemical, vol.190, 865-872.

  158. Yang, Gwangseok, Lee, Chongmin, Kim, Jihyun, Ren, Fan, Pearton, Stephen J.. Flexible graphene-based chemical sensors on paper substrates. Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, vol.15, no.6, 1798-1801.

  159. Dua, Vineet, Surwade, Sumedh P., Ammu, Srikanth, Agnihotra, Srikanth Rao, Jain, Sujit, Roberts, Kyle E., Park, Sungjin, Ruoff, Rodney S., Manohar, Sanjeev K.. All-Organic Vapor Sensor Using Inkjet-Printed Reduced Graphene Oxide. Angewandte Chemie. international edition, vol.49, no.12, 2154-2157.

  160. Kim, Yeon Hoo, Kim, Sang Jin, Kim, Yong-Jin, Shim, Yeong-Seok, Kim, Soo Young, Hong, Byung Hee, Jang, Ho Won. Self-Activated Transparent All-Graphene Gas Sensor with Endurance to Humidity and Mechanical Bending. ACS nano, vol.9, no.10, 10453-10460.

  161. Strong, Veronica, Dubin, Sergey, El-Kady, Maher F., Lech, Andrew, Wang, Yue, Weiller, Bruce H., Kaner, Richard B.. Patterning and Electronic Tuning of Laser Scribed Graphene for Flexible All-Carbon Devices. ACS nano, vol.6, no.2, 1395-1403.

  162. Jeong, Hu Young, Lee, Dae-Sik, Choi, Hong Kyw, Lee, Duck Hyun, Kim, Ji-Eun, Lee, Jeong Yong, Lee, Won Jong, Kim, Sang Ouk, Choi, Sung-Yool. Flexible room-temperature NO2 gas sensors based on carbon nanotubes/reduced graphene hybrid films. Applied physics letters, vol.96, no.21, 213105-.

  163. Ju Yun, Yong, Hong, Won G., Choi, Nak-Jin, Hoon Kim, Byung, Jun, Yongseok, Lee, Hyung-Kun. Ultrasensitive and Highly Selective Graphene-Based Single Yarn for Use in Wearable Gas Sensor. Scientific reports, vol.5, 10904-.

  164. Huang, Lei, Wang, Zhenping, Zhang, Jiankun, Pu, Jianlong, Lin, Youjie, Xu, Shuhua, Shen, Leo, Chen, Qi, Shi, Wangzhou. Fully Printed, Rapid-Response Sensors Based on Chemically Modified Graphene for Detecting NO2 at Room Temperature. ACS applied materials & interfaces, vol.6, no.10, 7426-7433.

  165. Tung, Tran Thanh, Castro, Mickael, Kim, Tae Young, Suh, Kwang S., Feller, Jean-Francois. High stability silver nanoparticles-graphene/poly(ionic liquid)-based chemoresistive sensors for volatile organic compounds’ detection. Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry, vol.406, no.16, 3995-4004.

  166. Cho, Byungjin, Yoon, Jongwon, Hahm, Myung Gwan, Kim, Dong-Ho, Kim, Ah Ra, Kahng, Yung Ho, Park, Sang-Won, Lee, Young-Joo, Park, Sung-Gyu, Kwon, Jung-Dae, Kim, Chang Su, Song, Myungkwan, Jeong, Yongsoo, Nam, Kee-Seok, Ko, Heung Cho. Graphene-based gas sensor: metal decoration effect and application to a flexible device. Journal of materials chemistry. C, Materials for optical and electronic devices, vol.2, no.27, 5280-5285.

  167. Chen, Gugang, Paronyan, Tereza M., Harutyunyan, Avetik R.. Sub-ppt gas detection with pristine graphene. Applied physics letters, vol.101, no.5, 053119-.

  168. Ricciardella, Filiberto, Vollebregt, Sten, Polichetti, Tiziana, Miscuglio, Mario, Alfano, Brigida, Miglietta, Maria L., Massera, Ettore, Di Francia, Girolamo, Sarro, Pasqualina M.. Effects of graphene defects on gas sensing properties towards NO2 detection. Nanoscale, vol.9, no.18, 6085-6093.

  169. Yavari, Fazel, Castillo, Eduardo, Gullapalli, Hemtej, Ajayan, Pulickel M., Koratkar, Nikhil. High sensitivity detection of NO2 and NH3 in air using chemical vapor deposition grown graphene. Applied physics letters, vol.100, no.20, 203120-.

  170. Wu, J.; Tao, K.; Miao, J.; Norford, L. K.InIEEE 29th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS);IEEE:Shanghai, 2016; pp889-892. 

  171. Zhang, Shaolin, Hang, Nguyen Thuy, Zhang, Zhijun, Yue, Hongyan, Yang, Woochul. Preparation of g-C 3 N 4 /Graphene Composite for Detecting NO 2 at Room Temperature. Nanomaterials, vol.7, no.1, 12-.

  172. Pearce, R., Iakimov, T., Andersson, M., Hultman, L., Spetz, A.L., Yakimova, R.. Epitaxially grown graphene based gas sensors for ultra sensitive NO2 detection. Sensors and actuators. B, Chemical, vol.155, no.2, 451-455.

  173. Long, Hu, Harley‐Trochimczyk, Anna, Pham, Thang, Tang, Zirong, Shi, Tielin, Zettl, Alex, Carraro, Carlo, Worsley, Marcus A., Maboudian, Roya. High Surface Area MoS2/Graphene Hybrid Aerogel for Ultrasensitive NO2 Detection. Advanced functional materials, vol.26, no.28, 5158-5165.

  174. Chung, Min Gyun, Kim, Dai Hong, Lee, Hyun Myoung, Kim, Taewoo, Choi, Jong Ho, Seo, Dong kyun, Yoo, Ji-Beom, Hong, Seong-Hyeon, Kang, Tae June, Kim, Yong Hyup. Highly sensitive NO2 gas sensor based on ozone treated graphene. Sensors and actuators. B, Chemical, vol.166, 172-176.

  175. Choi, HongKyw, Jeong, Hu Young, Lee, Dae-Sik, Choi, Choon-Gi, Choi, Sung-Yool. Flexible NO2 gas sensor using multilayer graphene films by chemical vapor deposition. Carbon letters, vol.14, no.3, 186-189.

  176. Shaik, Mahabul, Rao, V. K., Gupta, Manish, Murthy, K. S. R. C., Jain, Rajeev. Chemiresistive gas sensor for the sensitive detection of nitrogen dioxide based on nitrogen doped graphene nanosheets. RSC advances, vol.6, no.2, 1527-1534.

  177. Piloto, Carlo, Notarianni, Marco, Shafiei, Mahnaz, Taran, Elena, Galpaya, Dilini, Yan, Cheng, Motta, Nunzio. Highly NO 2 sensitive caesium doped graphene oxide conductometric sensors. Beilstein journal of nanotechnology, vol.5, 1073-1081.

  178. Xia, Yi, Wang, Jing, Xu, Jian-Long, Li, Xian, Xie, Dan, Xiang, Lan, Komarneni, Sridhar. Confined Formation of Ultrathin ZnO Nanorods/Reduced Graphene Oxide Mesoporous Nanocomposites for High-Performance Room-Temperature NO2 Sensors. ACS applied materials & interfaces, vol.8, no.51, 35454-35463.

  179. Zhang, H., Feng, J., Fei, T., Liu, S., Zhang, T.. SnO2 nanoparticles-reduced graphene oxide nanocomposites for NO2 sensing at low operating temperature. Sensors and actuators. B, Chemical, vol.190, 472-478.

  180. Wang, Ziying, Zhao, Chen, Han, Tianyi, Zhang, Yong, Liu, Sen, Fei, Teng, Lu, Geyu, Zhang, Tong. High-performance reduced graphene oxide-based room-temperature NO2 sensors: A combined surface modification of SnO2 nanoparticles and nitrogen doping approach. Sensors and actuators. B, Chemical, vol.242, 269-279.

  181. Liu, Xin, Cui, Jiashan, Sun, Jianbo, Zhang, Xitian. 3D graphene aerogel-supported SnO2 nanoparticles for efficient detection of NO2. RSC advances, vol.4, no.43, 22601-.

  182. Xiao, Yan, Yang, Qiuyue, Wang, Zhenyu, Zhang, Rui, Gao, Yuan, Sun, Peng, Sun, Yanfeng, Lu, Geyu. Improvement of NO2 gas sensing performance based on discoid tin oxide modified by reduced graphene oxide. Sensors and actuators. B, Chemical, vol.227, 419-426.

  183. Su, P.G., Peng, S.L.. Fabrication and NO2 gas-sensing properties of reduced graphene oxide/WO3 nanocomposite films. Talanta, vol.132, 398-405.

  184. Dong, Ying-li, Zhang, Xian-fa, Cheng, Xiao-li, Xu, Ying-ming, Gao, Shan, Zhao, Hui, Huo, Li-hua. Highly selective NO2 sensor at room temperature based on nanocomposites of hierarchical nanosphere-like α-Fe2O3 and reduced graphene oxide. RSC advances, vol.4, no.101, 57493-57500.

  185. Wu, Jin, Tao, Kai, Miao, Jianmin, Norford, Leslie K.. Improved Selectivity and Sensitivity of Gas Sensing Using a 3D Reduced Graphene Oxide Hydrogel with an Integrated Microheater. ACS applied materials & interfaces, vol.7, no.49, 27502-27510.

  186. Duy, Le Thai, Trung, Tran Quang, Hanif, Adeela, Siddiqui, Saqib, Roh, Eun, Lee, Wonil, Lee, Nae-Eung. A stretchable and highly sensitive chemical sensor using multilayered network of polyurethane nanofibres with self-assembled reduced graphene oxide. 2d materials, vol.4, no.2, 025062-.

  187. Lee, C., Ahn, J., Lee, K.B., Kim, D., Kim, J.. Graphene-based flexible NO2 chemical sensors. Thin solid films, vol.520, no.16, 5459-5462.

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  189. Liu, Jie, Li, Shan, Zhang, Bo, Xiao, Yan, Gao, Yuan, Yang, Qiuyue, Wang, Yinglin, Lu, Geyu. Ultrasensitive and low detection limit of nitrogen dioxide gas sensor based on flower-like ZnO hierarchical nanostructure modified by reduced graphene oxide. Sensors and actuators. B, Chemical, vol.249, 715-724.

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  396. Zhang, Kaihuan, Hu, Ruifen, Fan, Guokang, Li, Guang. Graphene oxide/chitosan nanocomposite coated quartz crystal microbalance sensor for detection of amine vapors. Sensors and actuators. B, Chemical, vol.243, 721-730.

  397. Zhang, Shouting, Zhang, Dongxu, Zhang, Xuehong, Shang, Denghui, Xue, Zhonghua, Shan, Duoliang, Lu, Xiaoquan. Ultratrace Naked-Eye Colorimetric Detection of Hg2+ in Wastewater and Serum Utilizing Mercury-Stimulated Peroxidase Mimetic Activity of Reduced Graphene Oxide-PEI-Pd Nanohybrids. Analytical chemistry, vol.89, no.6, 3538-3544.

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  399. Magerusan, Lidia, Socaci, Crina, Coros, Maria, Pogacean, Florina, Rosu, Marcela Corina, Gergely, Stefan, Pruneanu, Stela, Leostean, Cristian, Pana, Ioan Ovidiu. Electrochemical platform based on nitrogen-doped graphene/chitosan nanocomposite for selective Pb2+ detection. Nanotechnology, vol.28, no.11, 114001-.

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  401. Zhu, Yun, Pan, Dawei, Hu, Xueping, Han, Haitao, Lin, Mingyue, Wang, Chenchen. An electrochemical sensor based on reduced graphene oxide/gold nanoparticles modified electrode for determination of iron in coastal waters. Sensors and actuators. B, Chemical, vol.243, 1-7.

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  410. Bian, Shiyue, Shen, Chao, Qian, Yuting, Liu, Jiyang, Xi, Fengna, Dong, Xiaoping. Facile synthesis of sulfur-doped graphene quantum dots as fluorescent sensing probes for Ag+ ions detection. Sensors and actuators. B, Chemical, vol.242, 231-237.

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  443. Zhao, Z.Q., Chen, X., Yang, Q., Liu, J.H., Huang, X.J.. Beyond the selective adsorption of polypyrrole-reduced graphene oxide nanocomposite toward Hg2+: Ultra-sensitive and -selective sensing Pb2+ by stripping voltammetry. Electrochemistry communications, vol.23, 21-24.

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  448. Zhang, D., Liu, J., Jiang, C., Liu, A., Xia, B.. Quantitative detection of formaldehyde and ammonia gas via metal oxide-modified graphene-based sensor array combining with neural network model. Sensors and actuators. B, Chemical, vol.240, 55-65.

  449. Zhu, Miao, Li, Xinming, Chung, Sunki, Zhao, Liyun, Li, Xiao, Zang, Xiaobei, Wang, Kunlin, Wei, Jinquan, Zhong, Minlin, Zhou, Kun, Xie, Dan, Zhu, Hongwei. Photo-induced selective gas detection based on reduced graphene oxide/Si Schottky diode. Carbon, vol.84, 138-145.

  450. Yuan, Wenjing, Huang, Liang, Zhou, Qinqin, Shi, Gaoquan. Ultrasensitive and Selective Nitrogen Dioxide Sensor Based on Self-Assembled Graphene/Polymer Composite Nanofibers. ACS applied materials & interfaces, vol.6, no.19, 17003-17008.

  451. Li, Xiaogan, Zhao, Yangyang, Wang, Xueyan, Wang, Jing, Gaskov, Alexander M., Akbar, S.A.. Reduced graphene oxide (rGO) decorated TiO2 microspheres for selective room-temperature gas sensors. Sensors and actuators. B, Chemical, vol.230, 330-336.

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  455. Soni, Mahesh, Arora, Tarun, Khosla, Robin, Kumar, Pawan, Soni, Ajay, Sharma, Satinder K.. Integration of Highly Sensitive Oxygenated Graphene With Aluminum Micro-Interdigitated Electrode Array Based Molecular Sensor for Detection of Aqueous Fluoride Anions. IEEE sensors journal, vol.16, no.6, 1524-1531.

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  457. Dinesh, B., Veeramani, V., Chen, S.M., Saraswathi, R.. In situ electrochemical synthesis of reduced graphene oxide-cobalt oxide nanocomposite modified electrode for selective sensing of depression biomarker in the presence of ascorbic acid and dopamine. Journal of electroanalytical chemistry, vol.786, 169-176.

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  477. Kim, Hyoun Woo, Kwon, Yong Jung, Mirzaei, Ali, Kang, Sung Yong, Choi, Myung Sik, Bang, Jae Hoon, Kim, Sang Sub. Synthesis of zinc oxide semiconductors-graphene nanocomposites by microwave irradiation for application to gas sensors. Sensors and actuators. B, Chemical, vol.249, 590-601.

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