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Shoe cushioning, body mass and running biomechanics as risk factors for running injury: a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial 원문보기

BMJ open, v.7 no.8, 2017년, pp.e017379 -   

Malisoux, Laurent (Luxembourg Institute of Health, Sports Medicine Research Laboratory , Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg , Luxembourg) ,  Delattre, Nicolas (Decathlon Sports Lab , Movement Sciences Department , Villeneuve d’Ascq , France) ,  Urhausen, Axel (Luxembourg Institute of Health, Sports Medicine Research Laboratory , Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg , Luxembourg) ,  Theisen, Daniel (Luxembourg Institute of Health, Sports Medicine Research Laboratory , Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg , Luxembourg)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

IntroductionRepetitive loading of the musculoskeletal system is suggested to be involved in the underlying mechanism of the majority of running-related injuries (RRIs). Accordingly, heavier runners are assumed to be at a higher risk of RRI. The cushioning system of modern running shoes is expected t...


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