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Silicon Photonic Biosensors for Lab‐on‐a‐Chip Applications 원문보기

Advances in Optical Technologies, v.2008, 2008년, pp.383927 -   

Zinoviev, Kirill ,  Carrascosa, Laura G. ,  Sánchez del Río, José ,  Sepúlveda, Borja ,  Domínguez, Carlos ,  Lechuga, Laura M.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In the last two decades, we have witnessed a remarkable progress in the development of biosensor devices and their application in areas such as environmental monitoring, biotechnology, medical diagnostics, drug screening, food safety, and security, among others. The technology of optical biosensors ...

참고문헌 (30)

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  21. Prieto, F., Lechuga, L.M., Calle, A., Llobera, A., Dominguez, C.. Optimized silicon antiresonant reflecting optical waveguides for sensing applications. Journal of lightwave technology : a joint IEEE/OSA publication, vol.19, no.1, 75-83.

  22. Llobera, A., Plaza, J.A., Salinas, I., Berganzo, J., Garcia, J., Esteve, J., Domı́nguez, C.. Technological aspects on the fabrication of silicon-based optical accelerometer with ARROW structures. Sensors and actuators. A, Physical, vol.110, no.1, 395-400.

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  26. Densmore, A., Post, E., Xu, D.-X., Waldron, P., Janz, S., Cheben, P., Lapointe, J., Delage, A., Lamontagne, B., Schmid, J. H.. A Silicon-on-Insulator Photonic Wire Based Evanescent Field Sensor. IEEE photonics technology letters : a publication of the IEEE Laser and Electro-optics Society, vol.18, no.23, 2520-2522.

  27. Sep?lveda, B, S?nchez del R?o, J, Moreno, M, Blanco, F J, Mayora, K, Dom?nguez, C, Lechuga, L M. Optical biosensor microsystems based on the integration of highly sensitive Mach–Zehnder interferometer devices. Journal of optics A, Pure and applied optics, vol.8, no.7, S561-S566.

  28. Carrascosa, L.G., Moreno, M., Álvarez, M., Lechuga, L.M.. Nanomechanical biosensors: a new sensing tool. Trends in analytical chemistry : TrAC, vol.25, no.3, 196-206.

  29. Zinoviev, Kirill, Dominguez, Carlos, Plaza, Jose Antonio, Lechuga, Laura M.. Optical waveguide cantilever actuated by light. Applied physics letters, vol.92, no.1, 011908-.

  30. Blanco, F J, Agirregabiria, M, Berganzo, J, Mayora, K, Elizalde, J, Calle, A, Dominguez, C, Lechuga, L M. Microfluidic-optical integrated CMOS compatible devices for label-free biochemical sensing. Journal of micromechanics and microengineering.: structures, devices, and systems, vol.16, no.5, 1006-1016.

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